path: root/typing
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Diffstat (limited to 'typing')
6 files changed, 44 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index ec96b8050..c5905bb8f 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -477,6 +477,7 @@ and class_type_declaration i ppf x =
and class_expr i ppf x =
line i ppf "class_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.cl_loc;
+ attributes i ppf x.cl_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
match x.cl_desc with
| Tcl_ident (li, _, l) ->
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 28eae0bd6..ceba5435c 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ type error =
| Final_self_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Mutability_mismatch of string * mutable_flag
| No_overriding of string * string
+ | Extension of string
exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
@@ -817,20 +818,26 @@ and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl =
rc {cl_desc = Tcl_ident (path, lid, tyl);
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
cl_type = clty';
- cl_env = val_env}
+ cl_env = val_env;
+ cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+ }
let (vals, meths, concrs) = extract_constraints clty in
rc {cl_desc = Tcl_constraint (cl, None, vals, meths, concrs);
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
cl_type = clty';
- cl_env = val_env}
+ cl_env = val_env;
+ cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+ }
| Pcl_structure cl_str ->
let (desc, ty) =
class_structure cl_num false val_env met_env scl.pcl_loc cl_str in
rc {cl_desc = Tcl_structure desc;
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
cl_type = Cty_signature ty;
- cl_env = val_env}
+ cl_env = val_env;
+ cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+ }
| Pcl_fun (l, Some default, spat, sbody) ->
let loc = default.pexp_loc in
let open Ast_helper in
@@ -909,7 +916,9 @@ and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl =
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
cl_type = Cty_fun
(l, Ctype.instance_def pat.pat_type, cl.cl_type);
- cl_env = val_env}
+ cl_env = val_env;
+ cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+ }
| Pcl_apply (scl', sargs) ->
let cl = class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl' in
let rec nonopt_labels ls ty_fun =
@@ -1002,7 +1011,9 @@ and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl =
rc {cl_desc = Tcl_apply (cl, args);
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
cl_type = cty;
- cl_env = val_env}
+ cl_env = val_env;
+ cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+ }
| Pcl_let (rec_flag, sdefs, scl') ->
let (defs, val_env) =
@@ -1045,7 +1056,9 @@ and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl =
rc {cl_desc = Tcl_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl);
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
cl_type = cl.cl_type;
- cl_env = val_env}
+ cl_env = val_env;
+ cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+ }
| Pcl_constraint (scl', scty) ->
Ctype.begin_class_def ();
let context = Typetexp.narrow () in
@@ -1071,7 +1084,11 @@ and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl =
rc {cl_desc = Tcl_constraint (cl, Some clty, vals, meths, concrs);
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
cl_type = snd (Ctype.instance_class [] clty.cltyp_type);
- cl_env = val_env}
+ cl_env = val_env;
+ cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+ }
+ | Pcl_extension (s, _arg) ->
+ raise (Error (scl.pcl_loc, val_env, Extension s))
@@ -1727,6 +1744,8 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
"instance variable"
| No_overriding (kind, name) ->
fprintf ppf "@[The %s `%s'@ has no previous definition@]" kind name
+ | Extension s ->
+ fprintf ppf "Uninterpreted extension '%s'." s
let report_error env ppf err =
Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env (fun () -> report_error env ppf err)
diff --git a/typing/typeclass.mli b/typing/typeclass.mli
index c8f28013d..81e56bd1b 100644
--- a/typing/typeclass.mli
+++ b/typing/typeclass.mli
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ type error =
| Final_self_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Mutability_mismatch of string * mutable_flag
| No_overriding of string * string
+ | Extension of string
exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index d09d86e7a..18433d26c 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ let iter_expression f e =
| Pcl_let (_, pel, ce) ->
List.iter (fun (_, e) -> expr e) pel; class_expr ce
| Pcl_constraint (ce, _) -> class_expr ce
+ | Pcl_extension _ -> ()
and class_field cf =
match cf.pcf_desc with
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 5ab71c62f..912f60845 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -114,10 +114,13 @@ and meth =
(* Value expressions for the class language *)
and class_expr =
- { cl_desc: class_expr_desc;
- cl_loc: Location.t;
- cl_type: Types.class_type;
- cl_env: Env.t }
+ {
+ cl_desc: class_expr_desc;
+ cl_loc: Location.t;
+ cl_type: Types.class_type;
+ cl_env: Env.t;
+ cl_attributes: attribute list;
+ }
and class_expr_desc =
Tcl_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type list
diff --git a/typing/typedtree.mli b/typing/typedtree.mli
index 5b79ddbeb..b42967884 100644
--- a/typing/typedtree.mli
+++ b/typing/typedtree.mli
@@ -113,10 +113,13 @@ and meth =
(* Value expressions for the class language *)
and class_expr =
- { cl_desc: class_expr_desc;
- cl_loc: Location.t;
- cl_type: Types.class_type;
- cl_env: Env.t }
+ {
+ cl_desc: class_expr_desc;
+ cl_loc: Location.t;
+ cl_type: Types.class_type;
+ cl_env: Env.t;
+ cl_attributes: attribute list;
+ }
and class_expr_desc =
Tcl_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type list