path: root/otherlibs/bigarray/bigarray_stubs.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-12-27PR#5887: move the byterun/*.h headers to byterun/caml/*.h to avoid header nam...Gabriel Scherer
2014-08-29merge changes of version/4.02 from r15121 to r15155Damien Doligez
2014-08-27PR#6517: use ISO C99 types {,u}int{32,64}_t in preference to our homegrownXavier Leroy
2014-04-15PR#6075: avoid using unsafe C library functions (strcpy, strcat, sprintf).Xavier Leroy
2014-01-09PR#6064: GADT representation for Bigarray.kind + CAML_BA_CHAR runtime kindGabriel Scherer
2012-12-19#5774: fix MSVC port.Alain Frisch
2012-11-09PR#5771: Add primitives for reading 2, 4, 8 bytes in strings and bigarraysFabrice Le Fessant
2012-11-06PR#5762: Add primitives for fast access to bigarray dimensionsFabrice Le Fessant
2012-10-15remove all $Id keywordsDamien Doligez
2012-10-07Refactoring of the computations of the actual size of a struct caml_ba_arrayXavier Leroy
2012-09-27PR#5761: Incorrect bigarray custom block sizeDamien Doligez
2012-05-06Remove the 'dispose' functions from Bigarray. Xavier Leroy
2012-04-09PR#3571: in Bigarrays, call msync() before unmapping to commit changesXavier Leroy
2012-04-03PR#5516 continued: it seems that some compilers define __GNUC__ yet don't imp...Xavier Leroy
2012-02-27PR#5516: in Bigarray C stubs, use C99 / GCC flexible array types if possibleXavier Leroy
2012-02-21PR#5511: in Bigarray.reshape, unwarranted limitation on new array dimensionsXavier Leroy
2012-02-10More renaming to OCamlDamien Doligez
2011-07-27renaming of Objective Caml to OCaml and cleanup of copyright headersDamien Doligez
2011-07-23PR#5290: added hash functions for channels, nats, mutexes, conditions.Xavier Leroy
2011-07-20merge changes from 3.12.0 to 3.12.1Damien Doligez
2011-05-29Better hashing!Xavier Leroy
2008-12-03merge changes from 3.10.2merged to 3.11.0Damien Doligez
2008-01-04PR#4457: no need to limit each bigarray dimension to 2^31.Xavier Leroy
2006-01-27PR#1956 renommage: bigarray est prefixe par ocaml_ba_Damien Doligez
2005-09-22Remplacement long/unsigned long par intnat/uintnatXavier Leroy
2005-03-24fusion des changements jusqu'a 3.08.3Damien Doligez
2003-12-15decontamination (PR#1914, PR#1956)Damien Doligez
2003-11-21Se proteger contre les debordements lorsqu'on calcule la taille d'un nouveau ...Xavier Leroy
2003-07-08Export de alloc_bigarray (PR#1519)Xavier Leroy
2003-02-25accolade mal placeeDamien Doligez
2002-10-17fix bugs de GC signales par Shivkumar ChandrasekaranDamien Doligez
2002-04-15Ajout fonctions kind et layout (PR#1055)Xavier Leroy
2002-02-18Bug dans assertion d'alloc_bigarrayXavier Leroy
2002-02-10Complex bigarraysXavier Leroy
2001-12-07MAJ en-tetes pour mentionner la 'special exception' sur la LGPLXavier Leroy
2001-11-26Ne pas utiliser stat_alloc par coherence avec free() utilise plus tard (PR#601)Xavier Leroy
2001-10-02Bug dans le marshaling: lorsqu'on relit le bigarray, il est forcement MANAGED...Xavier Leroy
2001-08-28Chargement dynamique de primitives CXavier Leroy
2001-02-05Revu comparaison bigarrays flottants pour coherence avec l'egalite generique ...Xavier Leroy
2001-01-21Ajout de reshapeXavier Leroy
2000-11-23bcopy -> memmove dans otherlibsDamien Doligez
2000-04-05MacOS: ajout macosunix; portage bigarray et systhreads; tabsDamien Doligez
2000-02-25Ajout memory mapping. Diverses correctionsXavier Leroy
2000-02-24MAJ et ecriture de la docXavier Leroy
2000-02-22Premier jet des bigarraysXavier Leroy