path: root/otherlibs/unix/open.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-12-27PR#5887: move the byterun/*.h headers to byterun/caml/*.h to avoid header nam...Gabriel Scherer
2014-04-15PR#6075: avoid using unsafe C library functions (strcpy, strcat, sprintf).Xavier Leroy
2013-12-23fix #6276: release the runtime in all stubs that might blockJérémie Dimino
2013-08-01PR#5568: add O_CLOEXEC flag to Unix.openfile, so that the returnedXavier Leroy
2013-02-25misc: replace stat_(alloc|free|resize) occurences with caml_stat_(...).Wojciech Meyer
2012-10-15remove all $Id keywordsDamien Doligez
2011-12-13#5420: adding a O_SHARE_DELETE flag to Unix.openfile, for enabling FILE_SHARE...Alain Frisch
2011-07-27renaming of Objective Caml to OCaml and cleanup of copyright headersDamien Doligez
2010-01-22clean up spaces and tabsDamien Doligez
2005-03-24fusion des changements jusqu'a 3.08.3Damien Doligez
2003-02-11Mettre une blocking section autour de open() pour traiter les FIFO nommees (P...Xavier Leroy
2002-05-27Added 4 open_flag'sBruno Verlyck
2001-12-07MAJ en-tetes pour mentionner la 'special exception' sur la LGPLXavier Leroy
2001-08-28Chargement dynamique de primitives CXavier Leroy
1999-11-17Changement de la licenceXavier Leroy
1997-09-02Sources C convertis en ANSI CXavier Leroy
1996-09-04Renommage unix.h -> unixsupport.hXavier Leroy
1996-04-30Renommage en Objective CamlXavier Leroy
1996-04-12Ajout de setitimer, setsockopt, inet_addr_any.Xavier Leroy
1995-08-09Ajout des notices de copyrightXavier Leroy
1995-05-08Recuperation de libunix de CL0.7Xavier Leroy