diff options
authorNicolas Pouillard <>2007-11-28 16:08:18 +0000
committerNicolas Pouillard <>2007-11-28 16:08:18 +0000
commit3a4356befd69933ea749e6f832dec91bbffc7ce8 (patch)
parent114db8aaeadd15a427ef0387e2397827e206709b (diff)
[ocamlbuild] Move some functions from Pathname to Resource and use Digest_cache.
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
9 files changed, 109 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index 501411c47..bc3652533 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ let clean () = (fun _ _ _ -> true)
(Slurp.slurp Filename.current_dir_name)
- Slurp.force (Pathname.clean_up_links entry)
+ Slurp.force (Resource.clean_up_links entry)
raise Exit_silently
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ let proceed () =
show_documentation ();
raise Exit_silently
- Resource.Cache.init ();
+ Digest_cache.init ();
Sys.catch_break true;
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index 57632b718..c0d8d2611 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ let link_units table extensions cmX_ext cma_ext a_ext linker tagger contents_lis
let _ = Rule.build_deps_of_tags build tags in
let dir =
let dir1 = Pathname.remove_extensions cmX in
- if Pathname.exists_in_source_dir dir1 then dir1
+ if Resource.exists_in_source_dir dir1 then dir1
else Pathname.dirname cmX in
let include_dirs = Pathname.include_dirs_of dir in
let extension_keys = fst extensions in
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index 4a10bf1dc..f98ab207c 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ module Make (I : INPUT) = struct
if pack_mode then
if Filename.check_suffix x ".cmi" then
let caml_obj = Pathname.update_extensions caml_obj_ext x in
- if Pathname.exists_in_build_dir caml_obj then
+ if Resource.exists_in_build_dir caml_obj then
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index f2ba6aa48..c6410336f 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -43,9 +43,6 @@ module Operators = struct
open Operators
-let in_source_dir p =
- if is_implicit p then pwd/p else invalid_arg (sprintf "in_source_dir: %S" p)
let equal x y = x = y
let to_string x = x
@@ -98,38 +95,6 @@ let get_extensions x =
let update_extensions ext x =
add_extension ext (chop_extensions x)
-let clean_up_links entry =
- if not !Options.make_links then entry else
- Slurp.filter begin fun path name _ ->
- let pathname = in_source_dir (path/name) in
- if link_to_dir pathname !Options.build_dir then
- let z = readlink pathname in
- (* Here is one exception where one can use Sys.file_exists directly *)
- (if not (Sys.file_exists z) then
- Shell.rm pathname; false)
- else true
- end entry
-let clean_up_link_to_build () =
- Options.entry := Some(clean_up_links (the !Options.entry))
-let source_dir_path_set_without_links_to_build =
- lazy begin
- clean_up_link_to_build ();
- Slurp.fold (fun path name _ -> StringSet.add (path/name))
- (the !Options.entry) StringSet.empty
- end
-let exists_in_source_dir p =
- if !*My_unix.is_degraded then sys_file_exists (in_source_dir p)
- else StringSet.mem p !*source_dir_path_set_without_links_to_build
-let clean_links () =
- if !*My_unix.is_degraded then
- ()
- else
- ignore (clean_up_link_to_build ())
let exists = sys_file_exists
let copy = Shell.cp
@@ -143,8 +108,6 @@ let with_output_file = with_output_file
let print_path_list = List.print print
-let root = mk "__root__"
let context_table = Hashtbl.create 107
let rec include_dirs_of dir =
@@ -162,20 +125,5 @@ let define_context dir context =
let dir = if dir = "" then current_dir_name else dir in
Hashtbl.replace context_table dir& List.union context& include_dirs_of dir
-let in_build_dir p =
- if is_relative p then p
- else
- root/p (* XXX: Never reached *)
-let exists_in_build_dir p = exists (in_build_dir p)
let same_contents x y = Digest.file x = Digest.file y
-let is_up_to_date b p =
- let x = in_build_dir p in
- if b then exists_in_source_dir p && exists x && same_contents x (in_source_dir p)
- else not (exists_in_source_dir p) || exists x && same_contents x (in_source_dir p)
-let import_in_build_dir p =
- let p_in_build_dir = in_build_dir p in
- Shell.mkdir_p (dirname p); copy (in_source_dir p) p_in_build_dir
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/pathname.mli b/ocamlbuild/pathname.mli
index 1bd1f09db..63deaf9cf 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/pathname.mli
+++ b/ocamlbuild/pathname.mli
@@ -12,11 +12,4 @@
(* $Id$ *)
(* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
include Signatures.PATHNAME
-val is_up_to_date : bool -> t -> bool
-val clean_up_links : bool Slurp.entry -> bool Slurp.entry
-val exists_in_source_dir : t -> bool
-val exists_in_build_dir : t -> bool
-val import_in_build_dir : t -> unit
-val in_build_dir : t -> t
-val in_source_dir : t -> t
+val link_to_dir : t -> t -> bool
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index 0d13e854e..26fb5ba83 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
open My_std
open Format
open Log
+open Pathname.Operators
module Resources = Set.Make(Pathname)
@@ -22,8 +23,48 @@ let print = Pathname.print
let equal = (=)
let compare = compare
+let in_source_dir p =
+ if Pathname.is_implicit p then Pathname.pwd/p else invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "in_source_dir: %S" p)
+let in_build_dir p =
+ if Pathname.is_relative p then p
+ else invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "in_build_dir: %S" p)
+let clean_up_links entry =
+ if not !Options.make_links then entry else
+ Slurp.filter begin fun path name _ ->
+ let pathname = in_source_dir (path/name) in
+ if Pathname.link_to_dir pathname !Options.build_dir then
+ let z = Pathname.readlink pathname in
+ (* Here is one exception where one can use Sys.file_exists directly *)
+ (if not (Sys.file_exists z) then
+ Shell.rm pathname; false)
+ else true
+ end entry
+let clean_up_link_to_build () =
+ Options.entry := Some(clean_up_links (the !Options.entry))
+let source_dir_path_set_without_links_to_build =
+ lazy begin
+ clean_up_link_to_build ();
+ Slurp.fold (fun path name _ -> StringSet.add (path/name))
+ (the !Options.entry) StringSet.empty
+ end
+let clean_links () =
+ if !*My_unix.is_degraded then
+ ()
+ else
+ ignore (clean_up_link_to_build ())
+let exists_in_source_dir p =
+ if !*My_unix.is_degraded then sys_file_exists (in_source_dir p)
+ else StringSet.mem p !*source_dir_path_set_without_links_to_build
+let clean p = Shell.rm_f p
module Cache = struct
- open Pathname.Operators
let clean () = Shell.chdir Pathname.pwd; Shell.rm_rf !Options.build_dir
@@ -97,6 +138,13 @@ module Cache = struct
dprintf 10 "resource_changed:@ %a" print r;
(get r).changed <- Yes
+ let source_is_up_to_date r_in_source_dir r_in_build_dir =
+ Pathname.exists r_in_build_dir && Digest.file r_in_build_dir = Digest.file r_in_source_dir
+ let prod_is_up_to_date p =
+ let x = in_build_dir p in
+ not (exists_in_source_dir p) || Pathname.exists x && Pathname.same_contents x (in_source_dir p)
let rec resource_has_changed r =
let cache_entry = get r in
match cache_entry.changed with
@@ -108,19 +156,32 @@ module Cache = struct
| Bbuilt -> false
| Bsuspension _ -> assert false
| Bcannot_be_built -> false
- | Bnot_built_yet -> not (Pathname.is_up_to_date false r) in
+ | Bnot_built_yet -> not (prod_is_up_to_date r) in
let () = cache_entry.changed <- if res then Yes else No in res
let resource_state r = (get r).built
- let resource_is_built r = (get r).built = Bbuilt
let resource_built r = (get r).built <- Bbuilt
- let resource_is_failed r = (get r).built = Bcannot_be_built
let resource_failed r = (get r).built <- Bcannot_be_built
+ let import_in_build_dir r =
+ if exists_in_source_dir r then begin
+ let cache_entry = get r in
+ let r_in_build_dir = in_build_dir r in
+ let r_in_source_dir = in_source_dir r in
+ if source_is_up_to_date r_in_source_dir r_in_build_dir then begin
+ dprintf 5 "%a exists and up to date" print r;
+ end else begin
+ dprintf 5 "%a exists in source dir -> import it" print r;
+ Shell.mkdir_p (Pathname.dirname r);
+ Pathname.copy r_in_source_dir r_in_build_dir;
+ cache_entry.changed <- Yes;
+ end;
+ cache_entry.built <- Bbuilt;
+ true
+ end else false
let suspend_resource r cmd kont prods =
let cache_entry = get r in
match cache_entry.built with
@@ -165,43 +226,16 @@ module Cache = struct
let print_dependencies = print_graph
- let digest_resource p =
- let f = Pathname.to_string (Pathname.in_build_dir p) in
- let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
- Buffer.add_string buf f;
- (if sys_file_exists f then Buffer.add_string buf (Digest.file f));
- Digest.string (Buffer.contents buf)
- let digests = Hashtbl.create 103
- let get_digest_for name =
- try Some (Hashtbl.find digests name)
- with Not_found -> None
- let store_digest name d = Hashtbl.replace digests name d
- let _digests = lazy (Pathname.pwd / !Options.build_dir / ( "_digests"))
- let finalize () =
- with_output_file !*_digests begin fun oc ->
- Hashtbl.iter begin fun name digest ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "%S: %S\n" name digest
- end digests
- end
- let init () =
- Shell.chdir !Options.build_dir;
- if Pathname.exists !*_digests then
- with_input_file !*_digests begin fun ic ->
- try while true do
- let l = input_line ic in
- Scanf.sscanf l "%S: %S" store_digest
- done with End_of_file -> ()
- end;
- My_unix.at_exit_once finalize
-let clean p = Shell.rm_f p
+let digest p =
+ let f = Pathname.to_string (in_build_dir p) in
+ let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
+ Buffer.add_string buf f;
+ (if sys_file_exists f then Buffer.add_string buf (Digest.file f));
+ Digest.string (Buffer.contents buf)
+let exists_in_build_dir p = Pathname.exists (in_build_dir p)
type env = string
@@ -233,8 +267,6 @@ let rec subst percent r =
let print_env = pp_print_string
-let is_up_to_date path = Pathname.is_up_to_date true path
let import x = x
module MetaPath : sig
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/resource.mli b/ocamlbuild/resource.mli
index 03004df1c..56157a67d 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/resource.mli
+++ b/ocamlbuild/resource.mli
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module Resources : Set.S with type elt = t
module Cache :
+ type cache_entry
type suspension
type build_status =
@@ -30,29 +31,34 @@ module Cache :
| Bsuspension of suspension
val clean : unit -> unit
- val init : unit -> unit
val resource_state : t -> build_status
val resource_changed : t -> unit
val resource_has_changed : t -> bool
- val resource_is_built : t -> bool
val resource_built : t -> unit
- val resource_is_failed : t -> bool
val resource_failed : t -> unit
+ val import_in_build_dir : t -> bool
val suspend_resource : t -> Command.t -> (unit -> unit) -> t list -> unit
val resume_resource : t -> unit
val resume_suspension : suspension -> unit
val get_optional_resource_suspension : t -> (Command.t * (unit -> unit)) option
val clear_resource_failed : t -> unit
- val dependencies : t -> Resources.t
val add_dependency : t -> t -> unit
- val get_digest_for : string -> string option
- val store_digest : string -> string -> unit
- val digest_resource : t -> string
+ val fold_dependencies : (string -> string -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+ (* These are not currently used by others modules. *)
+ val dependencies : t -> Resources.t
val print_cache : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
val print_dependencies : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
- val fold_dependencies : (string -> string -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+val digest : t -> string
+val exists_in_source_dir : t -> bool
+val exists_in_build_dir : t -> bool
+val in_build_dir : t -> t
+val in_source_dir : t -> t
+val clean_up_links : bool Slurp.entry -> bool Slurp.entry
val compare : t -> t -> int
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val print_pattern : Format.formatter -> resource_pattern -> unit
@@ -64,5 +70,5 @@ val matchit : resource_pattern -> t -> env option
val subst : env -> t -> t
val subst_any : env -> t -> t
val subst_pattern : env -> resource_pattern -> t
-val is_up_to_date : t -> bool
+(* val is_up_to_date : t -> bool *)
val print_env : Format.formatter -> env -> unit
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index e717c3da9..a6fb57dd7 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -90,14 +90,13 @@ let can_produce target rule =
let digest_prods r =
List.fold_right begin fun p acc ->
- let f = Pathname.to_string (Pathname.in_build_dir p) in
+ let f = Pathname.to_string (Resource.in_build_dir p) in
if sys_file_exists f then (f, Digest.file f) :: acc else acc
end r.prods []
let digest_deps r dyndeps =
let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
- let add_resource r = Buffer.add_string buf (Digest.to_hex
- (Resource.Cache.digest_resource r)) in
+ let add_resource r = Buffer.add_string buf (Digest.to_hex (Resource.digest r)) in
Buffer.add_string buf "deps:";
List.iter add_resource r.deps;
Buffer.add_string buf "dyndeps:";
@@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ let digest_deps r dyndeps =
let digest_rule r dyndeps action =
let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
Buffer.add_string buf action.digest;
- let add_resource r = Buffer.add_string buf (Resource.Cache.digest_resource r) in
+ let add_resource r = Buffer.add_string buf (Resource.digest r) in
Buffer.add_string buf "prods:";
List.iter add_resource r.prods;
Buffer.add_string buf "deps:";
@@ -116,6 +115,12 @@ let digest_rule r dyndeps action =
Resources.iter add_resource dyndeps;
Digest.string (Buffer.contents buf)
+let cached_digest r =
+ try Some (Digest_cache.get ("Rule: " ^
+ with Not_found -> None
+let store_digest r digest = Digest_cache.put ("Rule: " ^ digest
let print_digest f x = pp_print_string f (Digest.to_hex x)
let exists2 find p rs =
@@ -184,7 +189,7 @@ let call builder r =
let dyndeps = !dyndeps in
let () = dprintf 10 "dyndeps: %a" Resources.print dyndeps in
let (reason, cached) =
- match exists2 List.find (fun r -> not (Pathname.exists_in_build_dir r)) r.prods with
+ match exists2 List.find (fun r -> not (Resource.exists_in_build_dir r)) r.prods with
| Some r -> (`cache_miss_missing_prod r, false)
| _ ->
begin match exists2 List.find Resource.Cache.resource_has_changed r.deps with
@@ -193,7 +198,7 @@ let call builder r =
begin match exists2 Resources.find Resource.Cache.resource_has_changed dyndeps with
| Some r -> (`cache_miss_changed_dyn_dep r, false)
| _ ->
- begin match Resource.Cache.get_digest_for with
+ begin match cached_digest r with
| None -> (`cache_miss_no_digest, false)
| Some d ->
begin match action.contents with
@@ -256,9 +261,9 @@ let call builder r =
(if not cached then
let new_rule_digest = digest_rule r dyndeps action in
let new_prod_digests = digest_prods r in
- let () = Resource.Cache.store_digest new_rule_digest in
+ let () = store_digest r new_rule_digest in
List.iter begin fun p ->
- let f = Pathname.to_string (Pathname.in_build_dir p) in
+ let f = Pathname.to_string (Resource.in_build_dir p) in
(try let digest = List.assoc f prod_digests in
let new_digest = List.assoc f new_prod_digests in
if digest <> new_digest then raise Not_found
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index eedaa5764..11804a2ab 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -46,14 +46,7 @@ let rec self depth on_the_go_orig target =
(dprintf 5 "%a was suspended -> resuming" Resource.print target;
Resource.Cache.resume_suspension s)
| Resource.Cache.Bnot_built_yet ->
- if Resource.is_up_to_date target then
- (dprintf 5 "%a exists and up to date" Resource.print target;
- Resource.Cache.resource_built target)
- else if Pathname.exists_in_source_dir target then
- (dprintf 5 "%a exists in source dir -> import it" Resource.print target;
- Pathname.import_in_build_dir target;
- Resource.Cache.resource_built target;
- Resource.Cache.resource_changed target)
+ if Resource.Cache.import_in_build_dir target then ()
(* FIXME tags of target
let tags = Configuration.tags_of_target target in