path: root/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
diff options
authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>1999-12-16 08:37:38 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>1999-12-16 08:37:38 +0000
commit607772a16356084f724b7b4d8f29907def715ff1 (patch)
tree207c813ba86751631a7970b3c424db9b481e537c /otherlibs/labltk/browser/
parentfd6165164bf3ca6631e3b2b12a0f25ba3f5dd97a (diff)
drastic clean up of the code. slice .cmo size by 2!
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser/')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index ed07b7ec4..a03ecdfdb 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let compiler_preferences () =
"Type on load", type_on_load])
let buttons = Frame.create tl in
- let ok = Button.create buttons text:"Ok" padx:(`Pix 20) command:
+ let ok = Button.create buttons text:"Ok" padx:20 command:
begin fun () ->
List.iter fun:(fun f -> f ()) setflags;
destroy tl
@@ -102,12 +102,13 @@ let select_shell txt =
Listbox.insert box index:`End texts:( fun:fst shells);
Listbox.configure box height:(List.length shells);
- bind box events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Return"]
- action:(`Setbreakable([], fun _ -> Button.invoke ok; break ()));
- bind box events:[[`Double],`ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Setbreakable([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
+ bind box events:[`KeyPressDetail"Return"] breakable:true
+ action:(fun _ -> Button.invoke ok; break ());
+ bind box events:[`Modified([`Double],`ButtonPressDetail 1)] breakable:true
+ fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY]
+ action:(fun ev ->
Listbox.activate box index:(`Atxy (ev.ev_MouseX, ev.ev_MouseY));
- Button.invoke ok; break ()));
+ Button.invoke ok; break ());
pack [label] side:`Top anchor:`W;
pack [box] side:`Top fill:`Both;
pack [frame] side:`Bottom fill:`X expand:true;
@@ -308,45 +309,44 @@ class editor :top :menus = object (self)
structure = []; signature = []; psignature = [] }
let control c = Char.chr (Char.code c - 96) in
- bind tw events:[[`Alt], `KeyPress] action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> ()));
- bind tw events:[[], `KeyPress]
- action:(`Set ([`Char], fun ev ->
+ bind tw events:[`Modified([`Alt], `KeyPress)] action:ignore;
+ bind tw events:[`KeyPress] fields:[`Char]
+ action:(fun ev ->
if ev.ev_Char <> "" &
(ev.ev_Char.[0] >= ' ' or
List.mem key:ev.ev_Char.[0]
( fun:control ['d'; 'h'; 'i'; 'k'; 'o'; 't'; 'w'; 'y']))
- then Textvariable.set txt.modified to:"modified"));
- bind tw events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Tab"]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([], fun _ ->
+ then Textvariable.set txt.modified to:"modified");
+ bind tw events:[`KeyPressDetail"Tab"] breakable:true
+ action:(fun _ ->
indent_line tw;
Textvariable.set txt.modified to:"modified";
- break ()));
- bind tw events:[[`Control],`KeyPressDetail"k"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ ->
+ break ());
+ bind tw events:[`Modified([`Control],`KeyPressDetail"k")]
+ action:(fun _ ->
let text =
Text.get tw start:(`Mark"insert",[]) end:(`Mark"insert",[`Lineend])
in Str.string_match pat:(Str.regexp "[ \t]*") text pos:0;
if Str.match_end () <> String.length text then begin
Clipboard.clear ();
Clipboard.append data:text ()
- end));
- bind tw events:[[], `KeyRelease]
- action:(`Set ([`Char], fun ev ->
+ end);
+ bind tw events:[`KeyRelease] fields:[`Char]
+ action:(fun ev ->
if ev.ev_Char <> "" then
Lexical.tag tw start:(`Mark"insert", [`Linestart])
- end:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend])));
- bind tw events:[[], `Motion] action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> Focus.set tw));
- bind tw events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 2]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ ->
+ end:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend]));
+ bind tw events:[`Motion] action:(fun _ -> Focus.set tw);
+ bind tw events:[`ButtonPressDetail 2]
+ action:(fun _ ->
Textvariable.set txt.modified to:"modified";
Lexical.tag start:(`Mark"insert", [`Linestart])
- end:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend])));
- bind tw events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Set ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
- search_pos_window txt x:ev.ev_MouseX y:ev.ev_MouseY));
- bind tw events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 3]
- action:(`Set ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
- search_pos_menu txt x:ev.ev_MouseX y:ev.ev_MouseY));
+ end:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend]));
+ bind tw events:[`Modified([`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1)]
+ fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY]
+ action:(fun ev -> search_pos_window txt x:ev.ev_MouseX y:ev.ev_MouseY);
+ bind tw events:[`ButtonPressDetail 3] fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY]
+ action:(fun ev -> search_pos_menu txt x:ev.ev_MouseX y:ev.ev_MouseY);
pack [sb] fill:`Y side:`Right;
pack [tw] fill:`Both expand:true side:`Left;
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ class editor :top :menus = object (self)
with `yes -> self#save_text txt
| `no -> ()
| `cancel -> raise Exit);
- bind top events:[[],`Destroy] action:`Remove;
+ bind top events:[`Destroy];
destroy top; break ()
with Exit -> break ()
@@ -494,15 +494,14 @@ class editor :top :menus = object (self)
[`Alt], "l", self#lex;
[`Alt], "t", self#typecheck ]
fun:begin fun (modi,key,act) ->
- bind top events:[modi, `KeyPressDetail key]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([], fun _ -> act (); break ()))
+ bind top events:[`Modified(modi, `KeyPressDetail key)] breakable:true
+ action:(fun _ -> act (); break ())
- bind top events:[[],`Destroy]
- action:(`Setbreakable
- ([`Widget], fun ev ->
- if ev.ev_Widget = top
- then self#quit ()));
+ bind top events:[`Destroy] breakable:true fields:[`Widget]
+ action:(fun ev ->
+ if ev.ev_Widget = top
+ then self#quit ());
(* File menu *)
file_menu#add_command "Open File..." command:self#open_file;
@@ -573,7 +572,7 @@ class editor :top :menus = object (self)
pack ( fun:(fun m -> coe m#button)
[file_menu; edit_menu; compiler_menu; module_menu; window_menu]
@ [coe label])
- side:`Left ipadx:(`Pix 5) anchor:`W;
+ side:`Left ipadx:5 anchor:`W;
pack [menus] before:(List.hd windows).frame side:`Top fill:`X