diff options
35 files changed, 552 insertions, 695 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/Widgets.src b/otherlibs/labltk/Widgets.src
index aa0323737..da3c2054b 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/Widgets.src
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/Widgets.src
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ type Units external #
##### The subtype is never used
subtype option(standard) {
ActiveBackground ["-activebackground"; Color]
- ActiveBorderWidth ["-activeborderwidth"; Units]
+ ActiveBorderWidth ["-activeborderwidth"; int]
ActiveForeground ["-activeforeground"; Color]
Anchor ["-anchor"; Anchor]
Background ["-background"; Color]
Bitmap ["-bitmap"; Bitmap]
- BorderWidth ["-borderwidth"; Units]
+ BorderWidth ["-borderwidth"; int]
Cursor ["-cursor"; Cursor]
DisabledForeground ["-disabledforeground"; Color]
ExportSelection ["-exportselection"; bool]
@@ -71,26 +71,26 @@ subtype option(standard) {
Geometry ["-geometry"; string] # Too variable to encode
HighlightBackground ["-highlightbackground"; Color]
HighlightColor ["-highlightcolor"; Color]
- HighlightThickness ["-highlightthickness"; Units]
+ HighlightThickness ["-highlightthickness"; int]
Image ["-image"; Image]
# it is old # images are split, to do additionnal static typing
# ImageBitmap (ImageBitmap) ["-image"; ImageBitmap]
# ImagePhoto (ImagePhoto) ["-image"; ImagePhoto]
InsertBackground ["-insertbackground"; Color]
- InsertBorderWidth ["-insertborderwidth"; Units]
+ InsertBorderWidth ["-insertborderwidth"; int]
InsertOffTime ["-insertofftime"; int] # Positive only
InsertOnTime ["-insertontime"; int] # Idem
- InsertWidth ["-insertwidth"; Units]
+ InsertWidth ["-insertwidth"; int]
Jump ["-jump"; bool]
Justify ["-justify"; Justification]
Orient ["-orient"; Orientation]
- PadX ["-padx"; Units]
- PadY ["-pady"; Units]
+ PadX ["-padx"; int]
+ PadY ["-pady"; int]
Relief ["-relief"; Relief]
RepeatDelay ["-repeatdelay"; int]
RepeatInterval ["-repeatinterval"; int]
SelectBackground ["-selectbackground"; Color]
- SelectBorderWidth ["-selectborderwidth"; Units]
+ SelectBorderWidth ["-selectborderwidth"; int]
SelectForeground ["-selectforeground"; Color]
SetGrid ["-setgrid"; bool]
# incomplete description of TakeFocus
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ subtype option(standard) {
TextVariable ["-textvariable"; TextVariable]
TroughColor ["-troughcolor"; Color]
UnderlinedChar ["-underline"; int]
- WrapLength ["-wraplength"; Units]
+ WrapLength ["-wraplength"; int]
# Major incompatibility with Tk3.6 where it was function(int,int,int,int)
XScrollCommand ["-xscrollcommand"; function(first:float, last:float)]
YScrollCommand ["-yscrollcommand"; function(first:float, last:float)]
@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ widget button {
option WrapLength
# Widget specific options
option Command ["-command"; function ()]
- option Height ["-height"; Units]
+ option Height ["-height"; int]
option State ["-state"; State]
- option Width ["-width"; Units]
+ option Width ["-width"; int]
function () configure [widget(button); "configure"; option(button) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(button); "configure"]
@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ type SearchSpec {
Above ["above"; TagOrId]
All ["all"]
Below ["below"; TagOrId]
- Closest ["closest"; Units; Units]
- ClosestHalo (Closesthalo) ["closest"; Units; Units; Units]
- ClosestHaloStart (Closesthalostart) ["closest"; Units; Units; Units; TagOrId]
- Enclosed ["enclosed"; Units;Units;Units;Units]
+ Closest ["closest"; int; int]
+ ClosestHalo (Closesthalo) ["closest"; int; int; int]
+ ClosestHaloStart (Closesthalostart) ["closest"; int; int; int; TagOrId]
+ Enclosed ["enclosed"; int;int;int;int]
Overlapping ["overlapping"; int;int;int;int]
Withtag ["withtag"; TagOrId]
@@ -245,14 +245,14 @@ subtype option(postscript) {
# Fontmap ["-fontmap"; TextVariable]
PageAnchor ["-pageanchor"; Anchor]
- PageHeight ["-pageheight"; Units]
- PageWidth ["-pagewidth"; Units]
- PageX ["-pagex"; Units]
- PageY ["-pagey"; Units]
+ PageHeight ["-pageheight"; int]
+ PageWidth ["-pagewidth"; int]
+ PageX ["-pagex"; int]
+ PageY ["-pagey"; int]
Rotate ["-rotate"; bool]
- X ["-x"; Units]
- Y ["-y"; Units]
+ X ["-x"; int]
+ Y ["-y"; int]
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ type JoinStyle {
subtype option(line) {
ArrowStyle ["-arrow"; ArrowStyle]
- ArrowShape ["-arrowshape"; [Units; Units; Units]]
+ ArrowShape ["-arrowshape"; [int; int; int]]
CapStyle ["-capstyle"; CapStyle]
JoinStyle ["-joinstyle"; JoinStyle]
@@ -392,11 +392,11 @@ widget canvas {
# Widget specific options
option CloseEnough ["-closeenough"; float]
option Confine ["-confine"; bool]
- option Height ["-height"; Units]
- option ScrollRegion ["-scrollregion"; [Units;Units;Units;Units]]
- option Width ["-width"; Units]
- option XScrollIncrement ["-xscrollincrement"; Units]
- option YScrollIncrement ["-yscrollincrement"; Units]
+ option Height ["-height"; int]
+ option ScrollRegion ["-scrollregion"; [int;int;int;int]]
+ option Width ["-width"; int]
+ option XScrollIncrement ["-xscrollincrement"; int]
+ option YScrollIncrement ["-yscrollincrement"; int]
function () addtag [widget(canvas); "addtag"; tag: TagOrId; specs: SearchSpec list] # Tag only
@@ -404,17 +404,17 @@ widget canvas {
# will raise protocol__TkError if no items match TagOrId
function (int,int,int,int) bbox [widget(canvas); "bbox"; tags: TagOrId list]
external bind "builtin/canvas_bind"
- function (float) canvasx [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; x:Units; ?spacing:[Units]]
-# function (float) canvasx [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; x:Units]
-# function (float) canvasx_grid [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; x:Units; spacing:Units]
- function (float) canvasy [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; y:Units; ?spacing:[Units]]
-# function (float) canvasy [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; y:Units]
-# function (float) canvasy_grid [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; y:Units; spacing:Units]
+ function (float) canvasx [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; x:int; ?spacing:[int]]
+# function (float) canvasx [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; x:int]
+# function (float) canvasx_grid [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; x:int; spacing:int]
+ function (float) canvasy [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; y:int; ?spacing:[int]]
+# function (float) canvasy [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; y:int]
+# function (float) canvasy_grid [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; y:int; spacing:int]
function () configure [widget(canvas); "configure"; option(canvas) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(canvas); "configure"]
# TODO: check result
function (float list) coords_get [widget(canvas); "coords"; tag: TagOrId]
- function () coords_set [widget(canvas); "coords"; tag: TagOrId; coords: Units list]
+ function () coords_set [widget(canvas); "coords"; tag: TagOrId; coords: int list]
# create variations (see below)
function () dchars [widget(canvas); "dchars"; tag: TagOrId; first: Index(canvas); last: Index(canvas)]
function () delete [widget(canvas); "delete"; tags: TagOrId list]
@@ -432,13 +432,13 @@ widget canvas {
# configure variations, see below
# function () lower_below [widget(canvas); "lower"; tag: TagOrId; below: TagOrId]
# function () lower_bot [widget(canvas); "lower"; tag: TagOrId]
- function () move [widget(canvas); "move"; tag: TagOrId; x: Units; y: Units]
+ function () move [widget(canvas); "move"; tag: TagOrId; x: int; y: int]
unsafe function (string) postscript [widget(canvas); "postscript"; option(postscript) list]
# We use raise... with Module name
function () raise [widget(canvas); "raise"; tag: TagOrId; ?above:[TagOrId]]
# function () raise_above [widget(canvas); "raise"; tag: TagOrId; above: TagOrId]
# function () raise_top [widget(canvas); "raise"; tag: TagOrId]
- function () scale [widget(canvas); "scale"; tag: TagOrId; xorigin: Units; yorigin: Units; xscale: float; yscale: float]
+ function () scale [widget(canvas); "scale"; tag: TagOrId; xorigin: int; yorigin: int; xscale: float; yscale: float]
# For scan, use x:int and y:int since common usage is with mouse coordinates
function () scan_mark [widget(canvas); "scan"; "mark"; x: int; y: int]
function () scan_dragto [widget(canvas); "scan"; "dragto"; x: int; y: int]
@@ -456,15 +456,15 @@ widget canvas {
function () yview [widget(canvas); "yview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
# create and configure variations
- function (TagOrId) create_arc [widget(canvas); "create"; "arc"; x1: Units; y1: Units; x2: Units; y2: Units; option(arc) list]
- function (TagOrId) create_bitmap [widget(canvas); "create"; "bitmap"; x: Units; y: Units; option(bitmap) list]
- function (TagOrId) create_image [widget(canvas); "create"; "image"; x: Units; y: Units; option(image) list]
- function (TagOrId) create_line [widget(canvas); "create"; "line"; xys: Units list; option(line) list]
- function (TagOrId) create_oval [widget(canvas); "create"; "oval"; x1: Units; y1: Units; x2: Units; y2: Units; option(oval) list]
- function (TagOrId) create_polygon [widget(canvas); "create"; "polygon"; xys: Units list; option(polygon) list]
- function (TagOrId) create_rectangle [widget(canvas); "create"; "rectangle"; x1: Units; y1: Units; x2: Units; y2: Units; option(rectangle) list]
- function (TagOrId) create_text [widget(canvas); "create"; "text"; x: Units; y: Units; option(canvastext) list]
- function (TagOrId) create_window [widget(canvas); "create"; "window"; x: Units; y: Units; option(window) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_arc [widget(canvas); "create"; "arc"; x1: int; y1: int; x2: int; y2: int; option(arc) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_bitmap [widget(canvas); "create"; "bitmap"; x: int; y: int; option(bitmap) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_image [widget(canvas); "create"; "image"; x: int; y: int; option(image) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_line [widget(canvas); "create"; "line"; xys: int list; option(line) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_oval [widget(canvas); "create"; "oval"; x1: int; y1: int; x2: int; y2: int; option(oval) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_polygon [widget(canvas); "create"; "polygon"; xys: int list; option(polygon) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_rectangle [widget(canvas); "create"; "rectangle"; x1: int; y1: int; x2: int; y2: int; option(rectangle) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_text [widget(canvas); "create"; "text"; x: int; y: int; option(canvastext) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_window [widget(canvas); "create"; "window"; x: int; y: int; option(window) list]
function (string) itemconfigure_get [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; tag: TagOrId]
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ module Grab {
subtype option(rowcolumnconfigure) {
- Minsize ["-minsize"; Units]
+ Minsize ["-minsize"; int]
Weight ["-weight"; float]
@@ -697,8 +697,8 @@ subtype option(grid) {
Column ["-column"; int]
ColumnSpan ["-columnspan"; int]
In ["-in"; widget]
- IPadX ["-ipadx"; Units]
- IPadY ["-ipady"; Units]
+ IPadX ["-ipadx"; int]
+ IPadY ["-ipady"; int]
Row ["-row"; int]
@@ -1112,8 +1112,8 @@ subtype option(pack) {
Expand ["-expand"; bool]
Fill ["-fill"; FillMode]
In ["-in"; widget]
- IPadX ["-ipadx"; Units]
- IPadY ["-ipady"; Units]
+ IPadX ["-ipadx"; int]
+ IPadY ["-ipady"; int]
Side ["-side"; Side]
@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ function () raise_window ["raise"; widget; ?above:[widget]]
##### scale(n)
## shared with scrollbars
-subtype WidgetElement(scale) {
+type ScaleElement {
Slider ["slider"]
Trough1 ["trough1"]
Trough2 ["trough2"]
@@ -1330,10 +1330,10 @@ widget scale {
option Digits ["-digits"; int]
option From ["-from"; float]
option Label ["-label"; string]
- option Length ["-length"; Units]
+ option Length ["-length"; int]
option Resolution ["-resolution"; float]
option ShowValue ["-showvalue"; bool]
- option SliderLength ["-sliderlength"; Units]
+ option SliderLength ["-sliderlength"; int]
option State
option TickInterval ["-tickinterval"; float]
option To ["-to"; float]
@@ -1344,19 +1344,19 @@ widget scale {
function (string) configure_get [widget(scale); "configure"]
function (float) get [widget(scale); "get"]
function (float) get_xy [widget(scale); "get"; x: int; y: int]
- function (WidgetElement(scale)) identify [widget(scale); x: int; y: int]
+ function (ScaleElement) identify [widget(scale); x: int; y: int]
function () set [widget(scale); "set"; to: float]
##### scrollbar(n)
-subtype WidgetElement(scrollbar) {
+type ScrollbarElement {
Arrow1 ["arrow1"]
- Trough1
- Trough2
- Slider
+ Trough1 ["through1"]
+ Trough2 ["through2"]
+ Slider ["slider"]
Arrow2 ["arrow2"]
- Beyond
+ Beyond [""]
widget scrollbar {
@@ -1378,18 +1378,18 @@ widget scrollbar {
# Widget specific options
option ActiveRelief ["-activerelief"; Relief]
option ScrollCommand ["-command"; function(scroll: ScrollValue)]
- option ElementBorderWidth ["-elementborderwidth"; Units]
+ option ElementBorderWidth ["-elementborderwidth"; int]
option Width
- function () activate [widget(scrollbar); "activate"; element: WidgetElement(scrollbar)]
- function (WidgetElement(scrollbar)) activate_get [widget(scrollbar); "activate"]
+ function () activate [widget(scrollbar); "activate"; element: ScrollbarElement]
+ function (ScrollbarElement) activate_get [widget(scrollbar); "activate"]
function () configure [widget(scrollbar); "configure"; option(scrollbar) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(scrollbar); "configure"]
function (float) delta [widget(scrollbar); "delta"; x: int; y: int]
function (float) fraction [widget(scrollbar); "fraction"; x: int; y: int]
function (float, float) get [widget(scrollbar); "get"]
function (int, int, int, int) old_get [widget(scrollbar); "get"]
- function (WidgetElement(scrollbar)) identify [widget(scrollbar); "identify"; x: int; y: int]
+ function (ScrollbarElement) identify [widget(scrollbar); "identify"; x: int; y: int]
function () set [widget(scrollbar); "set"; first: float; last: float]
function () old_set [widget(scrollbar); "set"; total:int; window:int; first:int; last:int]
@@ -1439,10 +1439,10 @@ type TextMark external
type TabType {
- TabLeft [Units; "left"]
- TabRight [Units; "right"]
- TabCenter [Units; "center"]
- TabNumeric [Units; "numeric"]
+ TabLeft [int; "left"]
+ TabRight [int; "right"]
+ TabCenter [int; "center"]
+ TabNumeric [int; "numeric"]
type WrapMode {
@@ -1527,9 +1527,9 @@ widget text {
# Widget specific options
option TextHeight
- option Spacing1 ["-spacing1"; Units]
- option Spacing2 ["-spacing2"; Units]
- option Spacing3 ["-spacing3"; Units]
+ option Spacing1 ["-spacing1"; int]
+ option Spacing2 ["-spacing2"; int]
+ option Spacing3 ["-spacing3"; int]
option State
option Tabs ["-tabs"; [TabType list]]
option TextWidth
@@ -1605,12 +1605,12 @@ subtype option(texttag) {
- LMargin1 ["-lmargin1"; Units]
- LMargin2 ["-lmargin2"; Units]
- Offset ["-offset"; Units]
+ LMargin1 ["-lmargin1"; int]
+ LMargin2 ["-lmargin2"; int]
+ Offset ["-offset"; int]
OverStrike ["-overstrike"; bool]
- RMargin ["-rmargin"; Units]
+ RMargin ["-rmargin"; int]
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index ed07b7ec4..a03ecdfdb 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let compiler_preferences () =
"Type on load", type_on_load])
let buttons = Frame.create tl in
- let ok = Button.create buttons text:"Ok" padx:(`Pix 20) command:
+ let ok = Button.create buttons text:"Ok" padx:20 command:
begin fun () ->
List.iter fun:(fun f -> f ()) setflags;
destroy tl
@@ -102,12 +102,13 @@ let select_shell txt =
Listbox.insert box index:`End texts:( fun:fst shells);
Listbox.configure box height:(List.length shells);
- bind box events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Return"]
- action:(`Setbreakable([], fun _ -> Button.invoke ok; break ()));
- bind box events:[[`Double],`ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Setbreakable([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
+ bind box events:[`KeyPressDetail"Return"] breakable:true
+ action:(fun _ -> Button.invoke ok; break ());
+ bind box events:[`Modified([`Double],`ButtonPressDetail 1)] breakable:true
+ fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY]
+ action:(fun ev ->
Listbox.activate box index:(`Atxy (ev.ev_MouseX, ev.ev_MouseY));
- Button.invoke ok; break ()));
+ Button.invoke ok; break ());
pack [label] side:`Top anchor:`W;
pack [box] side:`Top fill:`Both;
pack [frame] side:`Bottom fill:`X expand:true;
@@ -308,45 +309,44 @@ class editor :top :menus = object (self)
structure = []; signature = []; psignature = [] }
let control c = Char.chr (Char.code c - 96) in
- bind tw events:[[`Alt], `KeyPress] action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> ()));
- bind tw events:[[], `KeyPress]
- action:(`Set ([`Char], fun ev ->
+ bind tw events:[`Modified([`Alt], `KeyPress)] action:ignore;
+ bind tw events:[`KeyPress] fields:[`Char]
+ action:(fun ev ->
if ev.ev_Char <> "" &
(ev.ev_Char.[0] >= ' ' or
List.mem key:ev.ev_Char.[0]
( fun:control ['d'; 'h'; 'i'; 'k'; 'o'; 't'; 'w'; 'y']))
- then Textvariable.set txt.modified to:"modified"));
- bind tw events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Tab"]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([], fun _ ->
+ then Textvariable.set txt.modified to:"modified");
+ bind tw events:[`KeyPressDetail"Tab"] breakable:true
+ action:(fun _ ->
indent_line tw;
Textvariable.set txt.modified to:"modified";
- break ()));
- bind tw events:[[`Control],`KeyPressDetail"k"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ ->
+ break ());
+ bind tw events:[`Modified([`Control],`KeyPressDetail"k")]
+ action:(fun _ ->
let text =
Text.get tw start:(`Mark"insert",[]) end:(`Mark"insert",[`Lineend])
in Str.string_match pat:(Str.regexp "[ \t]*") text pos:0;
if Str.match_end () <> String.length text then begin
Clipboard.clear ();
Clipboard.append data:text ()
- end));
- bind tw events:[[], `KeyRelease]
- action:(`Set ([`Char], fun ev ->
+ end);
+ bind tw events:[`KeyRelease] fields:[`Char]
+ action:(fun ev ->
if ev.ev_Char <> "" then
Lexical.tag tw start:(`Mark"insert", [`Linestart])
- end:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend])));
- bind tw events:[[], `Motion] action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> Focus.set tw));
- bind tw events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 2]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ ->
+ end:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend]));
+ bind tw events:[`Motion] action:(fun _ -> Focus.set tw);
+ bind tw events:[`ButtonPressDetail 2]
+ action:(fun _ ->
Textvariable.set txt.modified to:"modified";
Lexical.tag start:(`Mark"insert", [`Linestart])
- end:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend])));
- bind tw events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Set ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
- search_pos_window txt x:ev.ev_MouseX y:ev.ev_MouseY));
- bind tw events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 3]
- action:(`Set ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
- search_pos_menu txt x:ev.ev_MouseX y:ev.ev_MouseY));
+ end:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend]));
+ bind tw events:[`Modified([`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1)]
+ fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY]
+ action:(fun ev -> search_pos_window txt x:ev.ev_MouseX y:ev.ev_MouseY);
+ bind tw events:[`ButtonPressDetail 3] fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY]
+ action:(fun ev -> search_pos_menu txt x:ev.ev_MouseX y:ev.ev_MouseY);
pack [sb] fill:`Y side:`Right;
pack [tw] fill:`Both expand:true side:`Left;
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ class editor :top :menus = object (self)
with `yes -> self#save_text txt
| `no -> ()
| `cancel -> raise Exit);
- bind top events:[[],`Destroy] action:`Remove;
+ bind top events:[`Destroy];
destroy top; break ()
with Exit -> break ()
@@ -494,15 +494,14 @@ class editor :top :menus = object (self)
[`Alt], "l", self#lex;
[`Alt], "t", self#typecheck ]
fun:begin fun (modi,key,act) ->
- bind top events:[modi, `KeyPressDetail key]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([], fun _ -> act (); break ()))
+ bind top events:[`Modified(modi, `KeyPressDetail key)] breakable:true
+ action:(fun _ -> act (); break ())
- bind top events:[[],`Destroy]
- action:(`Setbreakable
- ([`Widget], fun ev ->
- if ev.ev_Widget = top
- then self#quit ()));
+ bind top events:[`Destroy] breakable:true fields:[`Widget]
+ action:(fun ev ->
+ if ev.ev_Widget = top
+ then self#quit ());
(* File menu *)
file_menu#add_command "Open File..." command:self#open_file;
@@ -573,7 +572,7 @@ class editor :top :menus = object (self)
pack ( fun:(fun m -> coe m#button)
[file_menu; edit_menu; compiler_menu; module_menu; window_menu]
@ [coe label])
- side:`Left ipadx:(`Pix 5) anchor:`W;
+ side:`Left ipadx:5 anchor:`W;
pack [menus] before:(List.hd windows).frame side:`Top fill:`X
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index ef6ce7bba..fd3a49814 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ let f :title action:proc ?(:dir = Unix.getcwd ())
and sync_var = new_var () in
Textvariable.set filter_var to:deffilter;
- let frm = Frame.create tl borderwidth:(`Pix 1) relief:`Raised in
+ let frm = Frame.create tl borderwidth:1 relief:`Raised in
let df = Frame.create frm in
let dfl = Frame.create df in
let dfll = Label.create dfl text:"Directories" in
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ let f :title action:proc ?(:dir = Unix.getcwd ())
let dfrl = Label.create dfr text:"Files" in
let dfrf, filter_listbox, filter_scrollbar =
Jg_box.create_with_scrollbar dfr in
- let cfrm = Frame.create tl borderwidth:(`Pix 1) relief:`Raised in
+ let cfrm = Frame.create tl borderwidth:1 relief:`Raised in
let configure :filter =
let filter =
@@ -179,8 +179,7 @@ let f :title action:proc ?(:dir = Unix.getcwd ())
Setpath.add_update_hook (fun () -> configure filter:!current_pattern);
let w = Setpath.f dir:!current_dir in
Grab.set w;
- bind w events:[[], `Destroy]
- action:(`Extend ([], fun _ -> Grab.set tl))
+ bind w events:[`Destroy] extend:true action:(fun _ -> Grab.set tl)
end in
let toggle_in_path = Checkbutton.create dfl text:"Use load path"
@@ -210,19 +209,18 @@ let f :title action:proc ?(:dir = Unix.getcwd ())
command:(fun () -> activate []) in
(* binding *)
- bind tl events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Escape"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> activate []));
+ bind tl events:[`KeyPressDetail "Escape"] action:(fun _ -> activate []);
Jg_box.add_completion filter_listbox
action:(fun index -> activate [Listbox.get filter_listbox :index]);
if multi then Listbox.configure filter_listbox selectmode:`Multiple else
- bind filter_listbox events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Set ([`MouseY], fun ev ->
+ bind filter_listbox events:[`ButtonPressDetail 1] fields:[`MouseY]
+ action:(fun ev ->
let name = Listbox.get filter_listbox
index:(Listbox.nearest filter_listbox y:ev.ev_MouseY) in
if !load_in_path & usepath then
try Textvariable.set selection_var to:(search_in_path :name)
with Not_found -> ()
- else Textvariable.set selection_var to:(!current_dir ^ "/" ^ name)));
+ else Textvariable.set selection_var to:(!current_dir ^ "/" ^ name));
Jg_box.add_completion directory_listbox action:
begin fun index ->
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index df0bf80d9..59dc89019 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -3,13 +3,12 @@
open Tk
let enter_focus w =
- bind w events:[[], `Enter] action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> Focus.set w))
+ bind w events:[`Enter] action:(fun _ -> Focus.set w)
let escape_destroy ?destroy:tl w =
let tl = match tl with Some w -> w | None -> w in
- bind w events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Escape"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> destroy tl))
+ bind w events:[`KeyPressDetail "Escape"] action:(fun _ -> destroy tl)
let return_invoke w :button =
- bind w events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Return"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> Button.invoke button))
+ bind w events:[`KeyPressDetail "Return"]
+ action:(fun _ -> Button.invoke button)
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index e7add1139..21a05829d 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -37,20 +37,22 @@ let add_completion ?:action ?:wait ?:nocase lb =
Jg_bind.enter_focus lb;
- bind lb events:[[], `KeyPress]
- action:(`Set([`Char], fun ev ->
+ bind lb events:[`KeyPress] fields:[`Char] action:
+ begin fun ev ->
(* consider only keys producing characters. The callback is called
even if you press Shift. *)
if ev.ev_Char <> "" then
- recenter lb index:(`Num (comp#add ev.ev_Char))));
+ recenter lb index:(`Num (comp#add ev.ev_Char))
+ end;
begin match action with
Some action ->
- bind lb events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Return"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> action `Active));
- bind lb events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([`MouseY], fun ev ->
- action (Listbox.nearest lb y:ev.ev_MouseY); break ()))
+ bind lb events:[`KeyPressDetail "Return"]
+ action:(fun _ -> action `Active);
+ bind lb events:[`Modified([`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1)]
+ breakable:true fields:[`MouseY]
+ action:(fun ev ->
+ action (Listbox.nearest lb y:ev.ev_MouseY); break ())
| None -> ()
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index b961d1a96..74bbf4723 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ let create ?:command ?:width ?:textvariable parent =
let ew = Entry.create parent ?:width ?:textvariable in
Jg_bind.enter_focus ew;
begin match command with Some command ->
- bind ew events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Return"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> command (Entry.get ew)))
+ bind ew events:[`KeyPressDetail "Return"]
+ action:(fun _ -> command (Entry.get ew))
| None -> ()
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 27b8f2eec..5d6bec930 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ let ask :title ?:master text =
begin match master with None -> ()
| Some master -> Wm.transient_set tl :master
- let mw = Message.create tl :text padx:(`Pix 20) pady:(`Pix 10)
- width:(`Pix 250) justify:`Left aspect:400 anchor:`W
+ let mw = Message.create tl :text padx:20 pady:10
+ width:250 justify:`Left aspect:400 anchor:`W
and fw = Frame.create tl
and sync = Textvariable.create on:tl ()
and r = ref (`cancel : [`yes|`no|`cancel]) in
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ let ask :title ?:master text =
command:(fun () -> r := `no; destroy tl)
and cancel = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:fw text:"Cancel"
- bind tl events:[[],`Destroy]
- action:(`Extend([],fun _ -> Textvariable.set sync to:"1"));
+ bind tl events:[`Destroy] extend:true
+ action:(fun _ -> Textvariable.set sync to:"1");
pack [accept; refuse; cancel] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
pack [mw] side:`Top fill:`Both;
pack [fw] side:`Bottom fill:`X expand:true;
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index f7c1ec2c4..249127582 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ class c :cols :texts ?:maxheight ?:width parent = object (self)
gen_list len:cols fun:
begin fun () ->
Listbox.create parent :height ?:width
- highlightthickness:(`Pix 0)
- borderwidth:(`Pix 1)
+ highlightthickness:0
+ borderwidth:1
val mutable current = 0
method cols = cols
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class c :cols :texts ?:maxheight ?:width parent = object (self)
Listbox.insert box :texts index:`End
pack boxes side:`Left expand:true fill:`Both;
- self#bind_mouse events:[[],`ButtonPressDetail 1]
+ self#bind_mouse events:[`ButtonPressDetail 1]
action:(fun _ index:n -> self#recenter n; break ());
let current_height () =
let (top,bottom) = Listbox.yview_get (List.hd boxes) in
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class c :cols :texts ?:maxheight ?:width parent = object (self)
"Home", (fun _ -> 0);
"End", (fun _ -> List.length texts) ]
fun:begin fun (key,f) ->
- self#bind_kbd events:[[],`KeyPressDetail key]
+ self#bind_kbd events:[`KeyPressDetail key]
action:(fun _ index:n -> self#recenter (f n); break ())
self#recenter 0
@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ class c :cols :texts ?:maxheight ?:width parent = object (self)
List.iter boxes fun:
begin fun box ->
let b = !i in
- bind box :events
- action:(`Setbreakable ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
+ bind box :events breakable:true fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY]
+ action:(fun ev ->
let `Num n = Listbox.nearest box y:ev.ev_MouseY
- in action ev index:(n * cols + b)));
+ in action ev index:(n * cols + b));
incr i
method bind_kbd :events :action =
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ class c :cols :texts ?:maxheight ?:width parent = object (self)
List.iter boxes fun:
begin fun box ->
let b = !i in
- bind box :events
- action:(`Setbreakable ([`Char], fun ev ->
+ bind box :events breakable:true fields:[`Char]
+ action:(fun ev ->
let `Num n = Listbox.index box index:`Active in
- action ev index:(n * cols + b)));
+ action ev index:(n * cols + b));
incr i
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ let add_scrollbar (box : c) =
let add_completion ?:action ?:wait (box : c) =
let comp = new Jg_completion.timed (box#texts) ?:wait in
- box#bind_kbd events:[[], `KeyPress]
+ box#bind_kbd events:[`KeyPress]
action:(fun ev :index ->
(* consider only keys producing characters. The callback is called
* even if you press Shift. *)
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ let add_completion ?:action ?:wait (box : c) =
box#recenter (comp#add ev.ev_Char) aligntop:true);
match action with
Some action ->
- box#bind_kbd events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "space"]
+ box#bind_kbd events:[`KeyPressDetail "space"]
action:(fun ev :index -> action (box#current));
- box#bind_kbd events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Return"]
+ box#bind_kbd events:[`KeyPressDetail "Return"]
action:(fun ev :index -> action (box#current));
- box#bind_mouse events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
+ box#bind_mouse events:[`ButtonPressDetail 1]
action:(fun ev :index ->
box#recenter index; action (box#current); break ())
| None -> ()
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_multibox.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_multibox.mli
index ea6539607..716ee7646 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_multibox.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_multibox.mli
@@ -12,11 +12,9 @@ object
method init : unit
method recenter : ?aligntop:bool -> int -> unit
method bind_mouse :
- events:(Tk.modifier list * Tk.xEvent) list ->
- action:(Tk.eventInfo -> index:int -> unit) -> unit
+ events:Tk.event list -> action:(Tk.eventInfo -> index:int -> unit) -> unit
method bind_kbd :
- events:(Tk.modifier list * Tk.xEvent) list ->
- action:(Tk.eventInfo -> index:int -> unit) -> unit
+ events:Tk.event list -> action:(Tk.eventInfo -> index:int -> unit) -> unit
val add_scrollbar : c -> Widget.scrollbar Widget.widget
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 55aa4be2f..a519e2c0a 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let _ =
let top = openTk class:"OCamlBrowser" () in
Jg_config.init ();
- bind top events:[[], `Destroy] action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> exit 0));
+ bind top events:[`Destroy] action:(fun _ -> exit 0);
at_exit Shell.kill_all;
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 45df95474..f399f12a9 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -328,19 +328,20 @@ let rec view_signature ?:title ?:path ?(:env = !start_env) sign =
Jg_text.tag_and_see tw start:(tpos s) end:(tpos e) tag:"error"; []
Jg_bind.enter_focus tw;
- bind tw events:[[`Control], `KeyPressDetail"s"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> Jg_text.search_string tw));
- bind tw events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
+ bind tw events:[`Modified([`Control], `KeyPressDetail"s")]
+ action:(fun _ -> Jg_text.search_string tw);
+ bind tw events:[`Modified([`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1)]
+ fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY] breakable:true
+ action:(fun ev ->
let `Linechar (l, c) =
Text.index tw index:(`Atxy(ev.ev_MouseX,ev.ev_MouseY), []) in
try try
search_pos_signature pt pos:(lines_to_chars l in:text + c) :env;
break ()
with Found_sig (kind, lid, env) -> view_decl lid :kind :env
- with Not_found | Env.Error _ -> ()));
- bind tw events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 3]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
+ with Not_found | Env.Error _ -> ());
+ bind tw events:[`ButtonPressDetail 3] fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY] breakable:true
+ action:(fun ev ->
let x = ev.ev_MouseX and y = ev.ev_MouseY in
let `Linechar (l, c) =
Text.index tw index:(`Atxy(x,y), []) in
@@ -351,7 +352,7 @@ let rec view_signature ?:title ?:path ?(:env = !start_env) sign =
let menu = view_decl_menu lid :kind :env parent:tw in
let x = x + Winfo.rootx tw and y = y + Winfo.rooty tw - 10 in
Menu.popup menu :x :y
- with Not_found -> ()))
+ with Not_found -> ())
and view_signature_item sign :path :env =
view_signature sign title:(string_of_path path) ?path:(parent_path path) :env
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 8094b82e0..e35efc6a7 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -88,19 +88,18 @@ let f :dir =
renew_dirs dirbox var:var_dir dir:!current_dir
- bind dir_name events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Return"]
- action:(`Set([], fun _ ->
+ bind dir_name events:[`KeyPressDetail"Return"]
+ action:(fun _ ->
let dir = Textvariable.get var_dir in
if Useunix.is_directory dir then begin
current_dir := dir;
renew_dirs dirbox var:var_dir :dir
- end));
+ end);
let bind_space_toggle lb =
- bind lb events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "space"]
- action:(`Extend ([], fun _ -> ()))
+ bind lb events:[`KeyPressDetail "space"] extend:true action:ignore
in bind_space_toggle dirbox; bind_space_toggle pathbox;
let add_paths _ =
add_to_path pathbox base:!current_dir
dirs:( (Listbox.curselection dirbox)
@@ -111,10 +110,8 @@ let f :dir =
dirs:( (Listbox.curselection pathbox)
fun:(fun x -> Listbox.get pathbox index:x))
- bind dirbox events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Insert"]
- action:(`Set ([], add_paths));
- bind pathbox events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Delete"]
- action:(`Set ([], remove_paths));
+ bind dirbox events:[`KeyPressDetail "Insert"] action:add_paths;
+ bind pathbox events:[`KeyPressDetail "Delete"] action:remove_paths;
let dirlab = Label.create dirs text:"Directories"
and pathlab = Label.create path text:"Load path"
@@ -131,16 +128,16 @@ let f :dir =
pack [dirbox] side:`Left fill:`Y expand:true;
pack [pathsb] side:`Right fill:`Y;
pack [pathbox] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [dirlab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:(`Pix 10);
+ pack [dirlab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:10;
pack [addbutton] side:`Bottom fill:`X;
pack [dirframe] fill:`Y expand:true;
- pack [pathlab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:(`Pix 10);
+ pack [pathlab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:10;
pack [removebutton; ok] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
pack [pathbuttons] fill:`X side:`Bottom;
pack [pathframe] fill:`Both expand:true;
pack [dirs] side:`Left fill:`Y;
pack [path] side:`Right fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [caplab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:(`Pix 10);
+ pack [caplab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:10;
pack [dir_name] side:`Top anchor:`W fill:`X;
pack [browse] side:`Bottom expand:true fill:`Both;
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 3378c1a20..7fc557c32 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -121,22 +121,23 @@ object (self)
Lexical.init_tags textw;
let rec bindings =
- [ ([[],`KeyPress],[`Char],fun ev -> self#keypress ev.ev_Char);
- ([[],`KeyRelease],[`Char],fun ev -> self#keyrelease ev.ev_Char);
- (* [[],`KeyPressDetail"Return"],[],fun _ -> self#return; *)
- ([[],`ButtonPressDetail 2], [`MouseX; `MouseY], self#paste);
- ([[`Alt],`KeyPressDetail"p"],[],fun _ -> self#history `previous);
- ([[`Alt],`KeyPressDetail"n"],[],fun _ -> self#history `next);
- ([[`Meta],`KeyPressDetail"p"],[],fun _ -> self#history `previous);
- ([[`Meta],`KeyPressDetail"n"],[],fun _ -> self#history `next);
- ([[`Control],`KeyPressDetail"c"],[],fun _ -> self#interrupt);
- ([[],`Destroy],[],fun _ -> self#kill) ]
+ [ ([], `KeyPress, [`Char], fun ev -> self#keypress ev.ev_Char);
+ ([], `KeyRelease, [`Char], fun ev -> self#keyrelease ev.ev_Char);
+ (* [], `KeyPressDetail"Return", [], fun _ -> self#return; *)
+ ([], `ButtonPressDetail 2, [`MouseX; `MouseY], self#paste);
+ ([`Alt], `KeyPressDetail"p", [], fun _ -> self#history `previous);
+ ([`Alt], `KeyPressDetail"n", [], fun _ -> self#history `next);
+ ([`Meta], `KeyPressDetail"p", [], fun _ -> self#history `previous);
+ ([`Meta], `KeyPressDetail"n", [], fun _ -> self#history `next);
+ ([`Control], `KeyPressDetail"c", [], fun _ -> self#interrupt);
+ ([], `Destroy, [], fun _ -> self#kill) ]
- List.iter bindings
- fun:(fun (events,fields,f) ->
- bind textw :events action:(`Set(fields,f)));
- bind textw events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Return"]
- action:(`Setbreakable([], fun _ -> self#return; break()));
+ List.iter bindings fun:
+ begin fun (modif,event,fields,action) ->
+ bind textw events:[`Modified(modif,event)] :fields :action
+ end;
+ bind textw events:[`KeyPressDetail"Return"] breakable:true
+ action:(fun _ -> self#return; break());
begin try
List.iter [in1;err1] fun:
begin fun fd ->
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ let f :prog :title =
and signal_menu = new Jg_menu.c "Signal" parent:menus in
pack [menus] side:`Top fill:`X;
pack [file_menu#button; history_menu#button; signal_menu#button]
- side:`Left ipadx:(`Pix 5) anchor:`W;
+ side:`Left ipadx:5 anchor:`W;
let frame, tw, sb = Jg_text.create_with_scrollbar tl in
Text.configure tw background:`White;
pack [sb] fill:`Y side:`Right;
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 8d90681a2..ea2c1a7b6 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ let f txt =
else begin
error_messages := tl :: !error_messages;
Text.configure ew state:`Disabled;
- bind ew events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ ->
+ bind ew events:[`Modified([`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1)]
+ action:(fun _ ->
let s =
Text.get ew start:(`Mark "insert", [`Wordstart])
end:(`Mark "insert", [`Wordend]) in
@@ -93,6 +93,6 @@ let f txt =
let n = int_of_string s in
Text.mark_set index:(tpos n) mark:"insert";
Text.see index:(`Mark "insert", [])
- with Failure "int_of_string" -> ()))
+ with Failure "int_of_string" -> ())
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 12e03a021..7f82d3686 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ let choose_symbol :title :env ?:signature ?:path l =
Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl;
top_widgets := coe tl :: !top_widgets;
let buttons = Frame.create tl in
- let all = Button.create buttons text:"Show all" padx:(`Pix 20)
+ let all = Button.create buttons text:"Show all" padx:20
and ok = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:buttons
and detach = Button.create buttons text:"Detach"
and edit = Button.create buttons text:"Impl"
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ let choose_symbol :title :env ?:signature ?:path l =
let box =
new Jg_multibox.c fb cols:3 texts:nl maxheight:3 width:21 in
- box#bind_kbd events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Escape"]
+ box#bind_kbd events:[`KeyPressDetail"Escape"]
action:(fun _ :index -> destroy tl; break ());
if List.length nl > 9 then (Jg_multibox.add_scrollbar box; ());
Jg_multibox.add_completion box action:
@@ -270,8 +270,7 @@ let f ?(:dir=Unix.getcwd()) ?:on () =
let ew = Entry.create tl in
let buttons = Frame.create tl in
- let search = Button.create buttons text:"Search" pady:(`Pix 1)
- command:
+ let search = Button.create buttons text:"Search" pady:1 command:
begin fun () ->
let s = Entry.get ew in
let is_type = ref false and is_long = ref false in
@@ -293,14 +292,13 @@ let f ?(:dir=Unix.getcwd()) ?:on () =
| _ -> choose_symbol title:"Choose symbol" env:!start_env l
and close =
- Button.create buttons text:"Close all" pady:(`Pix 1)
- command:close_all_views
+ Button.create buttons text:"Close all" pady:1 command:close_all_views
(* bindings *)
Jg_bind.enter_focus ew;
Jg_bind.return_invoke ew button:search;
- bind close events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> destroy tl));
+ bind close events:[`Modified([`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1)]
+ action:(fun _ -> destroy tl);
(* File menu *)
filemenu#add_command "Open..."
@@ -315,7 +313,7 @@ let f ?(:dir=Unix.getcwd()) ?:on () =
command:(fun () -> reset_modules mbox; Env.reset_cache ());
modmenu#add_command "Search symbol..." command:search_symbol;
- pack [filemenu#button; modmenu#button] side:`Left ipadx:(`Pix 5) anchor:`W;
+ pack [filemenu#button; modmenu#button] side:`Left ipadx:5 anchor:`W;
pack [menus] side:`Top fill:`X;
pack [close; search] fill:`X side:`Right expand:true;
pack [coe buttons; coe ew] fill:`X side:`Bottom;
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
index d8923353a..bb7cca965 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ open Widget
(* Events and bindings *)
(* Builtin types *)
(* type *)
-type xEvent = [
+type event = [
`ButtonPress (* also Button, but we omit it *)
| `ButtonPressDetail (int)
| `ButtonRelease
@@ -27,12 +27,11 @@ type xEvent = [
| `Property
| `Reparent
| `Unmap
- | `Visibility
+ | `Visibility
+ | `Modified modifier list * event
-(* /type *)
-(* type *)
-type modifier = [
+and modifier = [
| `Shift
| `Lock
@@ -121,7 +120,7 @@ type eventField = [
(* /type *)
-let filleventInfo ev v = function
+let filleventInfo ev v : eventField -> unit = function
`Above -> ev.ev_Above <- int_of_string v
| `ButtonNumber -> ev.ev_ButtonNumber <- int_of_string v
| `Count -> ev.ev_Count <- int_of_string v
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ let filleventInfo ev v = function
| `RootX -> ev.ev_RootX <- int_of_string v
| `RootY -> ev.ev_RootY <- int_of_string v
-let wrapeventInfo f what =
+let wrapeventInfo f (what : eventField list) =
let ev = {
ev_Above = 0;
ev_ButtonNumber = 0;
@@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ let wrapeventInfo f what =
-let rec writeeventField = function
+let rec writeeventField : eventField list -> string = function
[] -> ""
| field::rest ->
@@ -217,20 +216,8 @@ let rec writeeventField = function
| `RootWindow ->" %R"
| `SubWindow -> " %S"
| `Type -> " %T"
- | `Widget ->" %W"
+ | `Widget -> " %W"
| `RootX -> " %X"
| `RootY -> " %Y"
^ writeeventField rest
-(* type *)
-type bindAction = [
- `Set ( eventField list * (eventInfo -> unit))
- | `Setbreakable ( eventField list * (eventInfo -> unit) )
- | `Remove
- | `Extend ( eventField list * (eventInfo -> unit))
-(* /type *)
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78735d513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+let pixels units =
+let res = tkEval [|TkToken"winfo";
+ TkToken"pixels";
+ cCAMLtoTKwidget default_toplevel;
+ cCAMLtoTKunits units|] in
+int_of_string res
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
index b05219143..7a3e1e770 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
@@ -1,77 +1,32 @@
- val bind:
- any widget -> (modifier list * xEvent) list -> bindAction -> unit
-let bind widget events:eventsequence action:(action : bindAction) =
- tkEval [| TkToken "bind";
- TkToken ( widget);
- cCAMLtoTKeventSequence eventsequence;
- begin match action with
- `Remove -> TkToken ""
- | `Set (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback widget callback: (wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
- | `Setbreakable (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback widget callback: (wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what)^
- " ; if { $BreakBindingsSequence == 1 } then { break ;} ; set BreakBindingsSequence 0"
- )
- | `Extend (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback widget callback: (wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("+camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
- end
- |];
- ()
-(* unsafe *)
- val class_bind :
- string -> (modifier list * xEvent) list -> bindAction -> unit
-(* /unsafe *)
- class arg is not constrained
-let class_bind clas events:eventsequence action:(action : bindAction) =
- tkEval [| TkToken "bind";
- TkToken clas;
- cCAMLtoTKeventSequence eventsequence;
- begin match action with
- `Remove -> TkToken ""
- | `Set (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback Widget.dummy
- callback: (wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
- | `Setbreakable (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback Widget.dummy
- callback: (wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what)^
- " ; if { $BreakBindingsSequence == 1 } then { break ;} ; set BreakBindingsSequence 0"
- )
- | `Extend (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback Widget.dummy
- callback: (wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("+camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
+let bind_class :events ?(:extend = false) ?(:breakable = false) ?(:fields = [])
+ ?:action ?(on:widget) name =
+ let widget = match widget with None -> Widget.dummy | Some w -> coe w in
+ ignore begin
+ tkEval
+ [| TkToken "bind";
+ TkToken name;
+ cCAMLtoTKeventSequence events;
+ begin match action with None -> TkToken ""
+ | Some f ->
+ let cbId =
+ register_callback widget callback: (wrapeventInfo f fields) in
+ let cb = if extend then "+camlcb " else "camlcb " in
+ let cb = cb ^ cbId ^ writeeventField fields in
+ let cb =
+ if breakable then
+ cb ^ " ; if { $BreakBindingsSequence == 1 } then { break ;}"
+ ^ " ; set BreakBindingsSequence 0"
+ else cb in
+ TkToken cb
+ end
+ |]
- |];
- ()
-(* unsafe *)
- val tag_bind :
- string -> (modifier list * xEvent) list -> bindAction -> unit
-(* /unsafe *)
- tag name arg is not constrained
-let tag_bind = class_bind
+let bind :events ?:extend ?:breakable ?:fields ?:action widget =
+ bind_class :events ?:extend ?:breakable ?:fields ?:action on:widget
+ ( widget)
+let bind_tag = bind_class
@@ -79,5 +34,6 @@ FUNCTION
let break = function () ->
- tkEval [| TkToken "set" ; TkToken "BreakBindingsSequence" ; TkToken "1" |];
- ()
+ ignore begin
+ tkEval [| TkToken "set" ; TkToken "BreakBindingsSequence" ; TkToken "1" |]
+ end
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
index e47048aec..7f1983e4f 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ let cCAMLtoTKunits : units -> tkArgs = function
| `In (foo) -> TkToken(string_of_float foo^"i")
| `Pt (foo) -> TkToken(string_of_float foo^"p")
| `Cm (foo) -> TkToken(string_of_float foo^"c")
let cTKtoCAMLunits str =
let len = String.length str in
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
index 1cba2d1a9..ffce51833 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
@@ -1,4 +1,24 @@
-let cCAMLtoTKxEvent : xEvent -> string = function
+let cCAMLtoTKmodifier : modifier -> string = function
+ `Control -> "Control-"
+ | `Shift -> "Shift-"
+ | `Lock -> "Lock-"
+ | `Button1 -> "Button1-"
+ | `Button2 -> "Button2-"
+ | `Button3 -> "Button3-"
+ | `Button4 -> "Button4-"
+ | `Button5 -> "Button5-"
+ | `Double -> "Double-"
+ | `Triple -> "Triple-"
+ | `Mod1 -> "Mod1-"
+ | `Mod2 -> "Mod2-"
+ | `Mod3 -> "Mod3-"
+ | `Mod4 -> "Mod4-"
+ | `Mod5 -> "Mod5-"
+ | `Meta -> "Meta-"
+ | `Alt -> "Alt-"
+let cCAMLtoTKevent (ev : event) =
+ let rec convert = function
`ButtonPress -> "ButtonPress"
| `ButtonPressDetail n -> "ButtonPress-"^string_of_int n
| `ButtonRelease -> "ButtonRelease"
@@ -22,37 +42,13 @@ let cCAMLtoTKxEvent : xEvent -> string = function
| `Property -> "Property"
| `Reparent -> "Reparent"
| `Unmap -> "Unmap"
- | `Visibility -> "Visibility"
-let cCAMLtoTKmodifier : modifier -> string = function
- `Control -> "Control-"
- | `Shift -> "Shift-"
- | `Lock -> "Lock-"
- | `Button1 -> "Button1-"
- | `Button2 -> "Button2-"
- | `Button3 -> "Button3-"
- | `Button4 -> "Button4-"
- | `Button5 -> "Button5-"
- | `Double -> "Double-"
- | `Triple -> "Triple-"
- | `Mod1 -> "Mod1-"
- | `Mod2 -> "Mod2-"
- | `Mod3 -> "Mod3-"
- | `Mod4 -> "Mod4-"
- | `Mod5 -> "Mod5-"
- | `Meta -> "Meta-"
- | `Alt -> "Alt-"
+ | `Visibility -> "Visibility"
+ | `Modified(ml, ev) ->
+ String.concat sep:"" ( fun:cCAMLtoTKmodifier ml)
+ ^ convert ev
+ in "<" ^ convert ev ^ ">"
-(* type event = modifier list * xEvent *)
-let cCAMLtoTKevent : (modifier list * xEvent) -> string =
- function (ml, xe) ->
- "<" ^ (String.concat sep:" " ( fun:cCAMLtoTKmodifier ml))
- ^ (cCAMLtoTKxEvent xe) ^ ">"
-(* type eventSequence == (modifier list * xEvent) list *)
-let cCAMLtoTKeventSequence : (modifier list * xEvent) list -> tkArgs =
- function l ->
+let cCAMLtoTKeventSequence (l : event list) =
TkToken(String.concat sep:"" ( fun:cCAMLtoTKevent l))
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
index e3ca25602..e14c1a952 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
@@ -5,33 +5,26 @@ let cCAMLtoTKtextTag x = TkToken x
let cTKtoCAMLtextTag x = x
(* TextModifiers are never returned by Tk *)
-let ppTextModifier = function
- `Char n ->
- if n > 0 then "+" ^ (string_of_int n) ^ "chars"
- else if n = 0 then ""
- else (string_of_int n) ^ "chars"
- | `Line n ->
- if n > 0 then "+" ^ (string_of_int n) ^ "lines"
- else if n = 0 then ""
- else (string_of_int n) ^ "lines"
- | `Linestart -> " linestart"
- | `Lineend -> " lineend"
- | `Wordstart -> " wordstart"
- | `Wordend -> " wordend"
-let ppTextIndex = function
- `None -> ""
- | `Index (base, ml) ->
- let (TkToken ppbase) = cCAMLtoTKtext_index base in
- String.concat sep:"" (ppbase :: fun:ppTextModifier ml)
-let ppTextIndex = function
- (base, ml) ->
- let (TkToken ppbase) = cCAMLtoTKtext_index base in
- String.concat sep:"" (ppbase :: fun:ppTextModifier ml)
-let cCAMLtoTKtextIndex : textIndex -> tkArgs = function i ->
+let cCAMLtoTKtextIndex (i : textIndex) =
+ let ppTextModifier = function
+ `Char n ->
+ if n > 0 then "+" ^ (string_of_int n) ^ "chars"
+ else if n = 0 then ""
+ else (string_of_int n) ^ "chars"
+ | `Line n ->
+ if n > 0 then "+" ^ (string_of_int n) ^ "lines"
+ else if n = 0 then ""
+ else (string_of_int n) ^ "lines"
+ | `Linestart -> " linestart"
+ | `Lineend -> " lineend"
+ | `Wordstart -> " wordstart"
+ | `Wordend -> " wordend"
+ in
+ let ppTextIndex (base, ml : textIndex) =
+ match cCAMLtoTKtext_index base with
+ TkToken ppbase ->
+ String.concat sep:"" (ppbase :: fun:ppTextModifier ml)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
TkToken (ppTextIndex i)
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
index 43f07dcb7..ed646fe47 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
@@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
-let bind widget :tag events:eventsequence :action =
- tkEval [| cCAMLtoTKwidget widget;
- TkToken "bind";
- cCAMLtoTKtagOrId tag;
- cCAMLtoTKeventSequence eventsequence;
- begin match action with
- `Remove -> TkToken ""
- | `Set (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback widget callback:(wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
- | `Setbreakable (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback widget callback:(wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what)^
- " ; if { $BreakBindingsSequence == 1 } then { break ;} ; set BreakBindingsSequence 0"
- )
- | `Extend (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback widget callback:(wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("+camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
- end |];
- ()
+let bind :tag :events ?(:extend = false) ?(:breakable = false) ?(:fields = [])
+ ?:action widget =
+ ignore begin
+ tkEval
+ [| cCAMLtoTKwidget widget;
+ TkToken "bind";
+ cCAMLtoTKtagOrId tag;
+ cCAMLtoTKeventSequence events;
+ begin match action with None -> TkToken ""
+ | Some f ->
+ let cbId =
+ register_callback widget callback: (wrapeventInfo f fields) in
+ let cb = if extend then "+camlcb " else "camlcb " in
+ let cb = cb ^ cbId ^ writeeventField fields in
+ let cb =
+ if breakable then
+ cb ^ " ; if { $BreakBindingsSequence == 1 } then { break ;}"
+ ^ " ; set BreakBindingsSequence 0"
+ else cb in
+ TkToken cb
+ end
+ |]
+ end
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/canvas_bind.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/canvas_bind.mli
index 55c3ec364..ca26aef44 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/canvas_bind.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/canvas_bind.mli
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
-val bind : canvas widget -> tag: tagOrId ->
- events: (modifier list * xEvent) list -> action: bindAction -> unit
+val bind :
+ tag: tagOrId -> events: event list ->
+ ?extend: bool -> ?breakable: bool -> ?fields: eventField list ->
+ ?action: (eventInfo -> unit) -> canvas widget -> unit
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
index 33a2baec0..f773a7a6d 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ let handle_set command: cmd =
selection_handle_icccm_optionals (fun opts w ->
tkEval [|TkToken"selection";
- TkTokenList
- ( opts fun:(cCAMLtoTKselection_handle_icccm w));
+ TkTokenList opts;
cCAMLtoTKwidget w;
let id = register_callback w callback:(function args ->
let a1 = int_of_string (List.hd args) in
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
index d851b85dc..22b2af52f 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
@@ -3,11 +3,7 @@ let own_set ?:command =
selection_ownset_icccm_optionals ?:command (fun opts w ->
tkEval [|TkToken"selection";
- TkTokenList
- (
- fun:(function x ->
- cCAMLtoTKselection_ownset_icccm w x)
- opts);
+ TkTokenList opts;
cCAMLtoTKwidget w|];
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
index 2abb30a18..ac23bc2e3 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/
@@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
-let tag_bind widget :tag events:eventsequence :action =
- tkEval [| cCAMLtoTKwidget widget;
- TkToken "tag";
- TkToken "bind";
- cCAMLtoTKtextTag tag;
- cCAMLtoTKeventSequence eventsequence;
- begin match action with
- `Remove -> TkToken ""
- | `Set (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback widget callback:(wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
- | `Setbreakable (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback widget callback:(wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what)^
- " ; if { $BreakBindingsSequence == 1 } then { break ;} ; set BreakBindingsSequence 0"
- )
- | `Extend (what, f) ->
- let cbId = register_callback widget callback:(wrapeventInfo f what) in
- TkToken ("+camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
+let tag_bind :tag :events ?(:extend = false) ?(:breakable = false)
+ ?(:fields = []) ?:action widget =
+ ignore begin
+ tkEval
+ [| cCAMLtoTKwidget widget;
+ TkToken "tag";
+ TkToken "bind";
+ cCAMLtoTKtextTag tag;
+ cCAMLtoTKeventSequence events;
+ begin match action with None -> TkToken ""
+ | Some f ->
+ let cbId =
+ register_callback widget callback: (wrapeventInfo f fields) in
+ let cb = if extend then "+camlcb " else "camlcb " in
+ let cb = cb ^ cbId ^ writeeventField fields in
+ let cb =
+ if breakable then
+ cb ^ " ; if { $BreakBindingsSequence == 1 } then { break ;}"
+ ^ " ; set BreakBindingsSequence 0"
+ else cb in
+ TkToken cb
+ end
+ |]
- |];
- ()
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/text_tag_bind.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/text_tag_bind.mli
index c78a35e62..40b969926 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/text_tag_bind.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/builtin/text_tag_bind.mli
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
-val tag_bind: text widget -> tag:textTag ->
- events:(modifier list * xEvent) list -> action: bindAction -> unit
+val tag_bind :
+ tag: string -> events: event list ->
+ ?extend: bool -> ?breakable: bool -> ?fields: eventField list ->
+ ?action: (eventInfo -> unit) -> text widget -> unit
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/ b/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
index a7f46168d..13bd115e6 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open Tables
(* if you set it true, ImagePhoto and ImageBitmap will annoy you... *)
-let safetype = false
+let safetype = true
let labeloff :at l = match l with
"",t -> t
@@ -221,37 +221,13 @@ let write_variants :w = function
(* Definition of a type *)
let write_type intf:w impl:w' name def:typdef =
-(* if typdef.subtypes = [] then (* If there is no subtypes *)
- begin
- (* The type itself *)
- (* Put markers for extraction *)
- w "(* type *)\n";
- w ("type "^name^" =\n ");
- write_constructors :w (sort_components typdef.constructors);
- w "\n(* /type *)\n\n"
- end
- else
- begin
- if typdef.subtypes = [] then
- begin
- w "(* Variant type *)\n";
- w ("type "^name^" = [\n ");
- write_variants :w (sort_components typdef.constructors);
- w "\n]\n\n"
- end
- else
- begin
- (* Dynamic Subtyping *)
- (* All the subtypes *)
- List.iter typdef.subtypes fun:
- begin fun (s,l) ->
- w ("type "^s^"_"^name^" = [\n ");
- write_variants w:w (sort_components l);
- w ("]\n\n")
- end
- end
- end
+ (* Only needed if no subtypes, otherwise use optionals *)
+ if typdef.subtypes = [] then begin
+ w "(* Variant type *)\n";
+ w ("type "^name^" = [\n ");
+ write_variants :w (sort_components typdef.constructors);
+ w "\n]\n\n"
+ end
(* Converters *)
@@ -447,12 +423,6 @@ let rec converterCAMLtoTK :context_widget argname as:ty =
| UserDefined s ->
let name = "cCAMLtoTK"^s^" " in
let args = argname in
- let args =
- if is_subtyped s then (* unconstraint subtype *)
- s^"_any_table "^args
- else args in
let args =
if requires_widget_context s then
context_widget^" "^args
@@ -461,20 +431,11 @@ let rec converterCAMLtoTK :context_widget argname as:ty =
| Subtype ("widget",s') ->
let name = "cCAMLtoTKwidget" in
let args = "("^argname^" : "^s'^" widget)" in
- let args =
- if requires_widget_context s then
- context_widget^" "^args
- else args in
| Subtype (s,s') ->
let name = "cCAMLtoTK"^s'^"_"^s^" " in
- let args = if safetype then "("^argname^" : "^s'^"_"^s^")" else argname
+ let args = if safetype then "("^argname^" : #"^s'^"_"^s^")" else argname
- let args = s^"_"^s'^"_table "^argname in
let args =
if requires_widget_context s then
context_widget^" "^args
@@ -521,8 +482,7 @@ let code_of_template :context_widget ?(func:funtemplate=false) template =
let lbl = gettklabel (List.hd classdef) in
catch_opts := (sub^"_"^sup, lbl);
newvar := newvar2;
- "TkTokenList ( fun:(function x -> "
- ^ converterCAMLtoTK :context_widget "x" as:ty ^ ") opts)"
+ "TkTokenList opts"
| TypeArg (l,List ty) ->
"TkTokenList ( fun:(function x -> "
^ converterCAMLtoTK :context_widget "x" as:ty
@@ -600,20 +560,30 @@ let write_CAMLtoTK :w def:typdef ?(safetype:st = true) name =
"dummy" in
- if safetype && st then
- w (" : " ^ name ^ " -> tkArgs ");
+ if st then begin
+ w " : ";
+ if typdef.variant then w "#";
+ w name; w " -> tkArgs "
+ end;
w(" = function\n ");
write_clause :w :context_widget (List.hd constrs);
List.iter ( constrs)
fun:(fun c -> w "\n | "; write_clause :w :context_widget c);
w "\n\n\n"
- if typdef.subtypes == [] then
- write_one name typdef.constructors
- else
- List.iter typdef.subtypes fun:begin
- fun (subname,constrs) ->
- write_one (subname^"_"^name) constrs
+ (* Only needed if no subtypes, otherwise use optionals *)
+ if typdef.subtypes == [] then
+ write_one name typdef.constructors
+ else
+ List.iter typdef.constructors fun:
+ begin fun fc ->
+ let code, vars, _, (co, _) =
+ code_of_template context_widget:"dummy" fc.template in
+ if co <> "" then fatal_error "optionals in optionals";
+ let vars = fun:snd vars in
+ w "let ccCAMLtoTK"; w name; w "_"; w (small fc.ml_name);
+ w " ("; w (String.concat sep:"," vars); w ") =\n ";
+ w code; w "\n\n"
(* Tcl does not really return "lists". It returns sp separated tokens *)
@@ -700,12 +670,12 @@ let write_function :w def =
let write_create :w clas =
(w "let create ?:name =\n" : unit);
- w (" "^ clas ^ "_options_optionals (fun options parent ->\n");
+ w (" "^ clas ^ "_options_optionals (fun opts parent ->\n");
w (" let w = new_atom \"" ^ clas ^ "\" :parent ?:name in\n");
w " tkEval [|";
w ("TkToken \"" ^ clas ^ "\";\n");
w (" TkToken ( w);\n");
- w (" TkTokenList ( fun:(cCAMLtoTK" ^ clas ^ "_options dummy) options) |];\n");
+ w (" TkTokenList opts |];\n");
w (" w)\n\n\n")
(* builtin-code: the file (without suffix) is in .template... *)
@@ -725,58 +695,39 @@ let write_external :w def =
| _ -> raise (Compiler_Error "invalid external definition")
let write_catch_optionals :w clas def:typdef =
- if typdef.subtypes = [] then
- (* begin Printf.eprintf "No subtypes\n";() end *) ()
- else
- (* Printf.eprintf "Type constructors of %s\n" clas; *)
+ if typdef.subtypes = [] then () else
List.iter typdef.subtypes fun:
begin fun (subclass, classdefs) ->
- Printf.eprintf "Subclass %s" subclass;
- List.iter (fun fc ->
- Printf.eprintf " %s\n" fc.ml_name) classdefs;
w ("let " ^ subclass ^"_"^ clas ^ "_optionals f = fun\n");
let tklabels = fun:gettklabel classdefs in
let l = classdefs fun:
begin fun fc ->
- List.length (types_of_template fc.template),
- types_of_template fc.template,
- (* used as names of variants *)
- fc.var_name,
- begin let p = gettklabel fc in
- if count key:p tklabels > 1 then small fc.ml_name else p
- end,
- small_ident fc.ml_name (* used as labels *)
+ (*
+ let code, vars, _, (co, _) =
+ code_of_template context_widget:"dummy" fc.template in
+ if co <> "" then fatal_error "optionals in optionals";
+ *)
+ let p = gettklabel fc in
+ (if count key:p tklabels > 1 then small fc.ml_name else p),
+ small_ident fc.ml_name (* used as labels *),
+ small fc.ml_name
end in
let p = l fun:
- begin fun (_,_,_,s,si) ->
+ begin fun (s, si, _) ->
if s = si then " ?:" ^ s
else " ?" ^ s ^ ":" ^ si
end in
let v = l fun:
- begin fun (i,t,c,s,si) ->
- let vars =
- if i = 0 then "()" else
- if i = 1 then "x"
- else
- let s = ref [] in
- for i=1 to i do
- s := !s @ ["x" ^ string_of_int i]
- done;
- "(" ^ String.concat sep:"," !s ^ ")"
- in
- let apvars =
- if i = 0 then ""
- (* VERY VERY QUICK HACK FOR 'a widget -> any widget *)
- else if i = 1 && vars = "x" && t = ["",UserDefined "widget"] then
- "(forget_type x)"
- else vars
- in
- "(maycons (fun " ^ vars ^ " -> " ^ "`" ^ c ^ " " ^ apvars ^ ") " ^ si
+ begin fun (_, si, s) ->
+ (*
+ let vars = fun:snd vars in
+ let vars = String.concat sep:"," vars in
+ "(maycons (fun (" ^ vars ^ ") -> " ^ code ^ ") " ^ si
+ *)
+ "(maycons ccCAMLtoTK" ^ clas ^ "_" ^ s ^ " " ^ si
end in
w (String.concat sep:"\n" p);
w " ->\n";
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/example/ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
index ca87ef59e..fe1485689 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/example/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ let m =
class calculator :parent = object
inherit calc () as calc
- val label = Label.create anchor:`E relief:`Sunken padx:(`Pix 10) parent
+ val label = Label.create anchor:`E relief:`Sunken padx:10 parent
val frame = Frame.create parent
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ class calculator :parent = object
Label.configure textvariable:variable label;
calc#set to:"0";
- bind parent events:[[],`KeyPress]
- action:(`Set([`Char],fun ev -> calc#command ev.ev_Char));
+ bind parent events:[`KeyPress] fields:[`Char]
+ action:(fun ev -> calc#command ev.ev_Char);
for i = 0 to Array.length m - 1 do
Grid.configure row:i buttons.(i)
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/example/ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
index 7e8e25cf7..53847e35e 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/example/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
@@ -21,21 +21,20 @@ let pi = acos (-1.)
class clock :parent = object (self)
(* Instance variables *)
- val canvas = Canvas.create parent width:(`Pix 100) height:(`Pix 100)
+ val canvas = Canvas.create parent width:100 height:100
val mutable height = 100
val mutable width = 100
val mutable rflag = -1
(* Convert from -1.0 .. 1.0 to actual positions on the canvas *)
- method x x0 = `Pix (truncate (float width *. (x0 +. 1.) /. 2.))
- method y y0 = `Pix (truncate (float height *. (y0 +. 1.) /. 2.))
+ method x x0 = truncate (float width *. (x0 +. 1.) /. 2.)
+ method y y0 = truncate (float height *. (y0 +. 1.) /. 2.)
(* Create the oval border *)
Canvas.create_oval canvas tags:[`Tag "cadran"]
- x1:(`Pix 1) y1:(`Pix 1)
- x2:(`Pix (width - 2)) y2:(`Pix (height - 2))
- width:(`Pix 3) outline:(`Yellow) fill:`White;
+ x1:1 y1:1 x2:(width - 2) y2:(height - 2)
+ width:3 outline:`Yellow fill:`White;
(* Draw the figures *)
(* Create the arrows with dummy position *)
@@ -51,22 +50,21 @@ class clock :parent = object (self)
Timer.add ms:1000 callback:timer; ()
in timer ();
(* Redraw when configured (changes size) *)
- bind canvas events:[[],`Configure]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ ->
+ bind canvas events:[`Configure]
+ action:(fun _ ->
width <- Winfo.width canvas;
height <- Winfo.height canvas;
- self#redraw));
+ self#redraw);
(* Change direction with right button *)
- bind canvas events:[[],`ButtonPressDetail 3]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> rflag <- -rflag; self#redraw));
+ bind canvas events:[`ButtonPressDetail 3]
+ action:(fun _ -> rflag <- -rflag; self#redraw);
(* Pack, expanding in both directions *)
pack [canvas] fill:`Both expand:true
(* Redraw everything *)
method redraw =
Canvas.coords_set canvas tag:(`Tag "cadran")
- coords:[ `Pix 1; `Pix 1;
- `Pix (width - 2); `Pix (height - 2) ];
+ coords:[ 1; 1; width - 2; height - 2 ];
self#draw_arrows (Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()))
@@ -85,7 +83,7 @@ class clock :parent = object (self)
(* Resize and reposition the arrows *)
method draw_arrows tm =
Canvas.configure_line canvas tag:(`Tag "hours")
- width:(`Pix (min width height / 40));
+ width:(min width height / 40);
let hangle =
float (rflag * (tm.Unix.tm_hour * 60 + tm.Unix.tm_min) - 180)
*. pi /. 360. in
@@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ class clock :parent = object (self)
coords:[ self#x 0.; self#y 0.;
self#x (cos hangle /. 2.); self#y (sin hangle /. 2.) ];
Canvas.configure_line canvas tag:(`Tag "minutes")
- width:(`Pix (min width height / 50));
+ width:(min width height / 50);
let mangle = float (rflag * tm.Unix.tm_min - 15) *. pi /. 30. in
Canvas.coords_set canvas tag:(`Tag "minutes")
coords:[ self#x 0.; self#y 0.;
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/example/ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
index 2e72f386d..e91d0cad3 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/example/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ let base = Frame.create top in
pack [base];
(* Menu bar *)
-let bar =
- Frame.create base borderwidth: (`Pix 2) relief: `Raised in
+let bar = Frame.create base borderwidth: 2 relief: `Raised in
pack [bar] fill: `X;
(* Menu and Menubutton *)
@@ -39,11 +38,11 @@ pack [bar] fill: `X;
let but = Button.create left text: "Welcome to LablTk" in
(* Canvas *)
- let can = Canvas.create left width: (`Pix 100)
- height: (`Pix 100) borderwidth: (`Pix 1) relief: `Sunken
+ let can = Canvas.create left width: 100
+ height: 100 borderwidth: 1 relief: `Sunken
- Canvas.create_oval can x1:(`Pix 10) y1:(`Pix 10)
- x2:(`Pix 90) y2:(`Pix 90)
+ Canvas.create_oval can x1: 10 y1: 10
+ x2: 90 y2: 90
(* Check button *)
@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ pack [bar] fill: `X;
["One"; "Two"; "Three"] in
(* Scale *)
- let sca = Scale.create right label: "Scale" length: (`Pix 100)
+ let sca = Scale.create right label: "Scale" length: 100
showvalue: true in
(* Text and scrollbar *)
@@ -109,10 +108,8 @@ pack [bar] fill: `X;
let buttons = fun:(fun (w, t, c, a) ->
let b = Button.create top2 text:t command:c in
- bind b events: [[], `Enter]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> a selcol));
- bind b events: [[], `Leave]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> a defcol));
+ bind b events: [`Enter] action:(fun _ -> a selcol);
+ bind b events: [`Leave] action:(fun _ -> a defcol);
[coe bar, "Frame", (fun () -> ()),
(fun background -> Frame.configure bar :background);
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/example/ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
index 9640d4682..f77765a5e 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/example/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
@@ -4,36 +4,35 @@ let _ =
let top = openTk () in
let fw = Frame.create top in
pack [fw];
- let c = Canvas.create fw width: (`Pix 200) height: (`Pix 200) in
+ let c = Canvas.create fw width: 200 height: 200 in
let create_eye cx cy wx wy ewx ewy bnd =
- let o2 = Canvas.create_oval c
- x1:(`Pix (cx - wx)) y1:(`Pix (cy - wy))
- x2:(`Pix (cx + wx)) y2:(`Pix (cy + wy))
- outline: (`Color "black") width: (`Pix 7)
- fill: (`Color "white")
+ let o2 = Canvas.create_oval c
+ x1:(cx - wx) y1:(cy - wy)
+ x2:(cx + wx) y2:(cy + wy)
+ outline: `Black width: 7
+ fill: `White
and o = Canvas.create_oval c
- x1:(`Pix (cx - ewx)) y1:(`Pix (cy - ewy))
- x2:(`Pix (cx + ewx)) y2:(`Pix (cy + ewy))
- fill: (`Color "black") in
+ x1:(cx - ewx) y1:(cy - ewy)
+ x2:(cx + ewx) y2:(cy + ewy)
+ fill:`Black in
let curx = ref cx
and cury = ref cy in
- bind c events:[[], `Motion]
- action: (`Extend ([`MouseX; `MouseY], (fun e ->
- let nx, ny =
- let xdiff = e.ev_MouseX - cx
- and ydiff = e.ev_MouseY - cy in
- let diff = sqrt (((float xdiff) /. ((float wx) *. bnd)) ** 2.0 +.
- ((float ydiff) /. ((float wy) *. bnd)) ** 2.0) in
- if diff > 1.0 then
- truncate ((float xdiff) *. (1.0 /. diff)) + cx,
- truncate ((float ydiff) *. (1.0 /. diff)) + cy
- else
- e.ev_MouseX, e.ev_MouseY
+ bind c events:[`Motion] extend:true fields:[`MouseX; `MouseY]
+ action:(fun e ->
+ let nx, ny =
+ let xdiff = e.ev_MouseX - cx
+ and ydiff = e.ev_MouseY - cy in
+ let diff = sqrt ((float xdiff /. (float wx *. bnd)) ** 2.0 +.
+ (float ydiff /. (float wy *. bnd)) ** 2.0) in
+ if diff > 1.0 then
+ truncate ((float xdiff) *. (1.0 /. diff)) + cx,
+ truncate ((float ydiff) *. (1.0 /. diff)) + cy
+ else
+ e.ev_MouseX, e.ev_MouseY
- Canvas.move c tag: o
- x: (`Pix (nx - !curx)) y: (`Pix (ny - !cury));
- curx := nx;
- cury := ny)))
+ Canvas.move c tag: o x: (nx - !curx) y: (ny - !cury);
+ curx := nx;
+ cury := ny)
create_eye 60 100 30 40 5 6 0.6;
create_eye 140 100 30 40 5 6 0.6;
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/example/ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
index f4ee99828..0b95e1087 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/example/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
@@ -198,14 +198,14 @@ class cell t1 t2 t3 :canvas :x :y = object
if color = col then () else
if color <> 0 & col = 0 then begin
Canvas.move canvas tag: t1
- x:(`Pix (- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2))
- y:(`Pix (- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2));
+ x:(- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2)
+ y:(- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2);
Canvas.move canvas tag: t2
- x:(`Pix (- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2))
- y:(`Pix (- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2));
+ x:(- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2)
+ y:(- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2);
Canvas.move canvas tag: t3
- x:(`Pix (- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2))
- y:(`Pix (- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2))
+ x:(- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2)
+ y:(- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2)
end else begin
Canvas.configure_rectangle canvas tag: t2
fill: colors.(col - 1)
@@ -218,14 +218,14 @@ class cell t1 t2 t3 :canvas :x :y = object
outline: (`Color "light gray");
if color = 0 & col <> 0 then begin
Canvas.move canvas tag: t1
- x: (`Pix (block_size * (x+1)+10+ cell_border*2))
- y: (`Pix (block_size * (y+1)+10+ cell_border*2));
+ x: (block_size * (x+1)+10+ cell_border*2)
+ y: (block_size * (y+1)+10+ cell_border*2);
Canvas.move canvas tag: t2
- x: (`Pix (block_size * (x+1)+10+ cell_border*2))
- y: (`Pix (block_size * (y+1)+10+ cell_border*2));
+ x: (block_size * (x+1)+10+ cell_border*2)
+ y: (block_size * (y+1)+10+ cell_border*2);
Canvas.move canvas tag: t3
- x: (`Pix (block_size * (x+1)+10+ cell_border*2))
- y: (`Pix (block_size * (y+1)+10+ cell_border*2))
+ x: (block_size * (x+1)+10+ cell_border*2)
+ y: (block_size * (y+1)+10+ cell_border*2)
color <- col
@@ -251,19 +251,19 @@ let init fw =
and levv = Textvariable.create ()
and namev = Textvariable.create ()
- let f = Frame.create fw borderwidth: (`Pix 2) in
- let c = Canvas.create f width: (`Pix (block_size * 10))
- height: (`Pix (block_size * 20))
- borderwidth: (`Pix cell_border)
+ let f = Frame.create fw borderwidth: 2 in
+ let c = Canvas.create f width: (block_size * 10)
+ height: (block_size * 20)
+ borderwidth: cell_border
relief: `Sunken
background: `Black
and r = Frame.create f
and r' = Frame.create f in
let nl = Label.create r text: "Next" font: "variable" in
- let nc = Canvas.create r width: (`Pix (block_size * 4))
- height: (`Pix (block_size * 4))
- borderwidth: (`Pix cell_border)
+ let nc = Canvas.create r width: (block_size * 4)
+ height: (block_size * 4)
+ borderwidth: cell_border
relief: `Sunken
background: `Black in
let scl = Label.create r text: "Score" font: "variable" in
@@ -287,16 +287,16 @@ let init fw =
begin fun (x,y) ->
let t1 =
Canvas.create_rectangle c
- x1:(`Pix (-block_size - 8)) y1:(`Pix (-block_size - 8))
- x2:(`Pix (-9)) y2:(`Pix (-9))
+ x1:(-block_size - 8) y1:(-block_size - 8)
+ x2:(-9) y2:(-9)
and t2 =
Canvas.create_rectangle c
- x1:(`Pix (-block_size - 10)) y1:(`Pix (-block_size - 10))
- x2:(`Pix (-11)) y2:(`Pix (-11))
+ x1:(-block_size - 10) y1:(-block_size - 10)
+ x2:(-11) y2:(-11)
and t3 =
Canvas.create_rectangle c
- x1:(`Pix (-block_size - 12)) y1:(`Pix (-block_size - 12))
- x2:(`Pix (-13)) y2:(`Pix (-13))
+ x1:(-block_size - 12) y1:(-block_size - 12)
+ x2:(-13) y2:(-13)
Canvas.raise c tag: t1;
Canvas.raise c tag: t2;
@@ -311,16 +311,16 @@ let init fw =
begin fun (x,y) ->
let t1 =
Canvas.create_rectangle nc
- x1:(`Pix (-block_size - 8)) y1:(`Pix (-block_size - 8))
- x2:(`Pix (-9)) y2:(`Pix (-9))
+ x1:(-block_size - 8) y1:(-block_size - 8)
+ x2:(-9) y2:(-9)
and t2 =
Canvas.create_rectangle nc
- x1:(`Pix (-block_size - 10)) y1:(`Pix (-block_size - 10))
- x2:(`Pix (-11)) y2:(`Pix (-11))
+ x1:(-block_size - 10) y1:(-block_size - 10)
+ x2:(-11) y2:(-11)
and t3 =
Canvas.create_rectangle nc
- x1:(`Pix (-block_size - 12)) y1:(`Pix (-block_size - 12))
- x2:(`Pix (-13)) y2:(`Pix (-13))
+ x1:(-block_size - 12) y1:(-block_size - 12)
+ x2:(-13) y2:(-13)
Canvas.raise nc tag: t1;
Canvas.raise nc tag: t2;
@@ -532,8 +532,8 @@ let _ =
let image_load =
let i = Canvas.create_image canvas
- x: (`Pix (block_size * 5 + block_size / 2))
- y: (`Pix (block_size * 10 + block_size / 2))
+ x: (block_size * 5 + block_size / 2)
+ y: (block_size * 10 + block_size / 2)
anchor: `Center in
Canvas.lower canvas tag: i;
let img = Imagephoto.create () in
@@ -621,48 +621,48 @@ let _ =
let bind_game w =
- bind w events:[[],`KeyPress] action:(`Set ([`KeySymString],
- fun e ->
- begin match e.ev_KeySymString with
- | "h" ->
- let m = copy_block current in
- m.x <- m.x - 1;
- try_to_move m; ()
- | "j" ->
- let m = copy_block current in
- m.d <- m.d + 1;
- if m.d = List.length m.pattern then m.d <- 0;
- try_to_move m; ()
- | "k" ->
- let m = copy_block current in
- m.d <- m.d - 1;
- if m.d < 0 then m.d <- List.length m.pattern - 1;
- try_to_move m; ()
- | "l" ->
- let m = copy_block current in
- m.x <- m.x + 1;
- try_to_move m; ()
- | "m" ->
- remove_timer ();
- loop ()
- | "space" ->
- if !current.alive then
- begin
- let m = copy_block current
- and n = copy_block current in
- while
- m.y <- m.y + 1;
- if death_check m then false
- else begin n.y <- m.y; true end
- do () done;
- erase_falling_block !current;
- draw_falling_block n;
- current := n;
- remove_timer ();
- loop ()
- end
- | _ -> ()
- end))
+ bind w events:[`KeyPress] fields:[`KeySymString] action:
+ begin fun e ->
+ match e.ev_KeySymString with
+ | "h" ->
+ let m = copy_block current in
+ m.x <- m.x - 1;
+ try_to_move m; ()
+ | "j" ->
+ let m = copy_block current in
+ m.d <- m.d + 1;
+ if m.d = List.length m.pattern then m.d <- 0;
+ try_to_move m; ()
+ | "k" ->
+ let m = copy_block current in
+ m.d <- m.d - 1;
+ if m.d < 0 then m.d <- List.length m.pattern - 1;
+ try_to_move m; ()
+ | "l" ->
+ let m = copy_block current in
+ m.x <- m.x + 1;
+ try_to_move m; ()
+ | "m" ->
+ remove_timer ();
+ loop ()
+ | "space" ->
+ if !current.alive then
+ begin
+ let m = copy_block current
+ and n = copy_block current in
+ while
+ m.y <- m.y + 1;
+ if death_check m then false
+ else begin n.y <- m.y; true end
+ do () done;
+ erase_falling_block !current;
+ draw_falling_block n;
+ current := n;
+ remove_timer ();
+ loop ()
+ end
+ | _ -> ()
+ end
let game_init () =
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/jpf/ b/otherlibs/labltk/jpf/
index 9278124e3..3115812ef 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/jpf/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/jpf/
@@ -55,29 +55,14 @@ let put on: w ms: millisec mesg =
configure_cursor w "hand2"))
- List.iter fun: (fun x ->
- bind w events: x action: (`Extend ([], (fun _ ->
-(* begin
- match x with
- [[],Leave] -> prerr_endline " LEAVE reset "
- | _ -> prerr_endline " Other reset "
- end;
- reset ()))))
- [[[], `Leave]; [[], `ButtonPress]; [[], `ButtonRelease]; [[], `Destroy];
- [[], `KeyPress]; [[], `KeyRelease]];
- List.iter fun: (fun x ->
- bind w events:x action: (`Extend ([`RootX; `RootY], (fun ev ->
- begin
- match x with
- [[],Enter] -> prerr_endline " Enter set "
- | [[],Motion] -> prerr_endline " Motion set "
- | _ -> prerr_endline " ??? set "
- end;
- reset (); set ev))))
- [[[], `Enter]; [[], `Motion]]
+ List.iter [[`Leave]; [`ButtonPress]; [`ButtonRelease]; [`Destroy];
+ [`KeyPress]; [`KeyRelease]]
+ fun:(fun events -> bind w :events extend:true action:(fun _ -> reset ()));
+ List.iter [[`Enter]; [`Motion]] fun:
+ begin fun events ->
+ bind w :events extend:true fields:[`RootX; `RootY]
+ action:(fun ev -> reset (); set ev)
+ end
let init () =
let t = Hashtbl.create 101 in
@@ -89,12 +74,11 @@ let init () =
popupw := Message.create !topw name: "balloon"
background: (`Color "yellow") aspect: 300;
pack [!popupw];
- class_bind "all"
- events: [[], `Enter] action: (`Extend ([`Widget], (function w ->
- try Hashtbl.find t key: w.ev_Widget with
- Not_found -> begin
+ bind_class "all" events: [`Enter] extend:true fields:[`Widget] action:
+ begin fun w ->
+ try Hashtbl.find t key: w.ev_Widget
+ with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add t key:w.ev_Widget data: ();
let x = Option.get w.ev_Widget name: "balloon" class: "Balloon" in
if x <> "" then put on: w.ev_Widget ms: 1000 x
- end)))
+ end
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/jpf/ b/otherlibs/labltk/jpf/
index 42e69b453..45acccb5f 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/jpf/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/jpf/
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ let scroll_link sb lb =
(* focus when enter binding *)
let bind_enter_focus w =
- bind w events: [[], `Enter]
- action: (`Set ([], fun _ -> Focus.set w));;
+ bind w events:[`Enter] action:(fun _ -> Focus.set w);;
let myentry_create p :variable =
let w = Entry.create p relief: `Sunken textvariable: variable in
@@ -146,15 +145,12 @@ let add_completion lb action =
recenter() in
- bind lb events:[[], `KeyPress]
- action: (`Set([`Char; `Time],
- (function ev ->
- (* consider only keys producing characters. The callback is called
- * even if you press Shift.
- *)
- if ev.ev_Char <> "" then complete ev.ev_Time ev.ev_Char)));
+ bind lb events:[`KeyPress] fields:[`Char; `Time]
+ (* consider only keys producing characters. The callback is called
+ if you press Shift. *)
+ action:(fun ev -> if ev.ev_Char <> "" then complete ev.ev_Time ev.ev_Char);
(* Key specific bindings override KeyPress *)
- bind lb events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Return"] action:(`Set([], action));
+ bind lb events:[`KeyPressDetail "Return"] :action;
(* Finally, we have to set focus, otherwise events dont get through *)
Focus.set lb;
recenter() (* so that first item is selected *);
@@ -184,8 +180,8 @@ let f :title action:proc filter:deffilter file:deffile :multi :sync =
and selection_var = Textvariable.create on:tl ()
and sync_var = Textvariable.create on:tl () in
- let frm' = Frame.create tl borderwidth: (`Pix 1) relief: `Raised in
- let frm = Frame.create frm' borderwidth: (`Pix 8) in
+ let frm' = Frame.create tl borderwidth: 1 relief: `Raised in
+ let frm = Frame.create frm' borderwidth: 8 in
let fl = Label.create frm text: "Filter" in
let df = Frame.create frm in
let dfl = Frame.create df in
@@ -204,8 +200,8 @@ let f :title action:proc filter:deffilter file:deffile :multi :sync =
let filter_entry = myentry_create frm variable: filter_var in
let selection_entry = myentry_create frm variable: selection_var
- let cfrm' = Frame.create tl borderwidth: (`Pix 1) relief: `Raised in
- let cfrm = Frame.create cfrm' borderwidth: (`Pix 8) in
+ let cfrm' = Frame.create tl borderwidth: 1 relief: `Raised in
+ let cfrm = Frame.create cfrm' borderwidth: 8 in
let dumf = Frame.create cfrm in
let dumf2 = Frame.create cfrm in
@@ -281,11 +277,10 @@ let f :title action:proc filter:deffilter file:deffile :multi :sync =
command: (fun () -> activate [] ()) in
(* binding *)
- bind selection_entry events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Return"]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([], fun _ ->
- activate [Textvariable.get selection_var] () ));
- bind filter_entry events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Return"] action:(`Set ([],
- fun _ -> configure (Textvariable.get filter_var) ));
+ bind selection_entry events:[`KeyPressDetail "Return"] breakable:true
+ action:(fun _ -> activate [Textvariable.get selection_var] ());
+ bind filter_entry events:[`KeyPressDetail "Return"]
+ action:(fun _ -> configure (Textvariable.get filter_var));
let action _ =
let files =
@@ -294,8 +289,8 @@ let f :title action:proc filter:deffilter file:deffile :multi :sync =
activate files ()
- bind filter_listbox events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([], action));
+ bind filter_listbox events:[`Modified([`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1)]
+ breakable:true :action;
if multi then Listbox.configure filter_listbox selectmode: `Multiple;
filter_init_completion := add_completion filter_listbox action;
@@ -307,8 +302,8 @@ let f :title action:proc filter:deffilter file:deffile :multi :sync =
Bell.ring (); raise Not_selected)
(Listbox.curselection directory_listbox)) ^ "/" ^ !current_pattern)
with _ -> () in
- bind directory_listbox events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([], action));
+ bind directory_listbox events:[`Modified([`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1)]
+ breakable:true :action;
Listbox.configure directory_listbox selectmode: `Browse;
directory_init_completion := add_completion directory_listbox action;
@@ -317,7 +312,7 @@ let f :title action:proc filter:deffilter file:deffile :multi :sync =
pack [fl] side: `Top anchor: `W;
pack [filter_entry] side: `Top fill: `X;
(* directory + files *)
- pack [df] side: `Top fill: `X ipadx: (`Pix 8);
+ pack [df] side: `Top fill: `X ipadx: 8;
(* directory *)
pack [dfl] side: `Left;
pack [dfll] side: `Top anchor: `W;