path: root/stdlib/
diff options
authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2003-11-25 09:20:45 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2003-11-25 09:20:45 +0000
commitf2095623ff9f002e86619545b3d9415f95f838fc (patch)
treec6c0182e5ff1775b216349fe528502c866a8987d /stdlib/
parente32f8e985839808c153b281ce40fdcd6c8f721d4 (diff)
fast and compact classes
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 8d5c3cb6a..29e81dc8c 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -327,7 +327,13 @@ let get_method table label =
let (buck, elem) = decode label in
+let to_list arr =
+ if arr == magic 0 then [] else Array.to_list arr
let narrow table vars virt_meths concr_meths =
+ let vars = to_list vars
+ and virt_meths = to_list virt_meths
+ and concr_meths = to_list concr_meths in
let virt_meth_labs = (get_method_label table) virt_meths in
let concr_meth_labs = (get_method_label table) concr_meths in
table.previous_states <-
@@ -387,6 +393,13 @@ let new_variable table name =
table.vars <- Vars.add name index table.vars;
+let new_variables table names =
+ let index = new_variable table names.(0) in
+ for i = 1 to Array.length names - 1 do
+ ignore (new_variable table names.(i))
+ done;
+ index
let get_variable table name =
Vars.find name table.vars
@@ -395,12 +408,13 @@ let add_initializer table f =
let create_table public_methods =
let table = new_table () in
- List.iter
- (function met ->
- let lab = new_method met in
- table.methods_by_name <- Meths.add met lab table.methods_by_name;
- table.methods_by_label <- Labs.add lab true table.methods_by_label)
- public_methods;
+ if public_methods != magic 0 then
+ Array.iter
+ (function met ->
+ let lab = new_method met in
+ table.methods_by_name <- Meths.add met lab table.methods_by_name;
+ table.methods_by_label <- Labs.add lab true table.methods_by_label)
+ public_methods;
let init_class table =
@@ -409,6 +423,28 @@ let init_class table =
compact_buckets table.buckets;
table.initializers <- List.rev table.initializers
+let inherits cla vals virt_meths concr_meths (_, super, _, env) top =
+ narrow cla vals virt_meths concr_meths;
+ let init =
+ if top then super cla env else Obj.repr (super cla) in
+ widen cla;
+ init
+let make_class pub_meths class_init =
+ let table = create_table pub_meths in
+ let env_init = class_init table in
+ init_class table;
+ (env_init (Obj.repr 0), class_init, env_init, Obj.repr 0)
+type init_table = { mutable env_init: t; mutable class_init: table -> t }
+let make_class_store pub_meths class_init init_table =
+ let table = create_table pub_meths in
+ let env_init = class_init table in
+ init_class table;
+ init_table.class_init <- class_init;
+ init_table.env_init <- env_init
(**** Objects ****)
let create_object table =
@@ -453,9 +489,148 @@ let create_object_and_run_initializers obj_0 table =
+(* Equivalent primitive below
let send obj lab =
let (buck, elem) = decode lab in
(magic obj : (obj -> t) array array array).(0).(buck).(elem) obj
+external send : obj -> label -> 'a = "%send"
+(**** table collection access ****)
+type tables = Empty | Cons of table * tables * tables
+type mut_tables =
+ {key: table; mutable data: tables; mutable next: tables}
+external mut : tables -> mut_tables = "%identity"
+let build_path n keys tables =
+ let res = Cons (Obj.magic 0, Empty, Empty) in
+ let r = ref res in
+ for i = 0 to n do
+ r := Cons (keys.(i), !r, Empty)
+ done;
+ <- !r;
+ res
+let rec lookup_keys i keys tables =
+ if i < 0 then tables else
+ let key = keys.(i) in
+ let rec lookup_key tables =
+ if tables.key == key then lookup_keys (i-1) keys else
+ if <> Empty then lookup_key (mut else
+ let next = Cons (key, Empty, Empty) in
+ <- next;
+ build_path (i-1) keys (mut next)
+ in
+ lookup_key (mut tables)
+let lookup_tables root keys =
+ let root = mut root in
+ if <> Empty then
+ lookup_keys (Array.length keys - 1) keys
+ else
+ build_path (Array.length keys - 1) keys root
+(**** builtin methods ****)
+type closure = item
+external ret : (obj -> 'a) -> closure = "%identity"
+let get_const x = ret (fun obj -> x)
+let get_var n = ret (fun obj -> Array.unsafe_get obj n)
+let get_env e n = ret (fun obj -> Obj.field (Array.unsafe_get obj e) n)
+let get_meth n = ret (fun obj -> send obj n)
+let set_var n = ret (fun obj x -> Array.unsafe_set obj n x)
+let app_const f x = ret (fun obj -> f x)
+let app_var f n = ret (fun obj -> f (Array.unsafe_get obj n))
+let app_env f e n = ret (fun obj -> f (Obj.field (Array.unsafe_get obj e) n))
+let app_meth f n = ret (fun obj -> f (send obj n))
+let app_const_const f x y = ret (fun obj -> f x y)
+let app_const_var f x n = ret (fun obj -> f x (Array.unsafe_get obj n))
+let app_const_meth f x n = ret (fun obj -> f x (send obj n))
+let app_var_const f n x = ret (fun obj -> f (Array.unsafe_get obj n) x)
+let app_meth_const f n x = ret (fun obj -> f (send obj n) x)
+let app_const_env f x e n =
+ ret (fun obj -> f x (Obj.field (Array.unsafe_get obj e) n))
+let app_env_const f e n x =
+ ret (fun obj -> f (Obj.field (Array.unsafe_get obj e) n) x)
+let meth_app_const n x = ret (fun obj -> (send obj n) x)
+let meth_app_var n m =
+ ret (fun obj -> (send obj n) (Array.unsafe_get obj m))
+let meth_app_env n e m =
+ ret (fun obj -> (send obj n) (Obj.field (Array.unsafe_get obj e) m))
+let meth_app_meth n m =
+ ret (fun obj -> (send obj n) (send obj m))
+type impl =
+ GetConst
+ | GetVar
+ | GetEnv
+ | GetMeth
+ | SetVar
+ | AppConst
+ | AppVar
+ | AppEnv
+ | AppMeth
+ | AppConstConst
+ | AppConstVar
+ | AppConstEnv
+ | AppConstMeth
+ | AppVarConst
+ | AppEnvConst
+ | AppMethConst
+ | MethAppConst
+ | MethAppVar
+ | MethAppEnv
+ | MethAppMeth
+ | Closure of Obj.t
+let method_impl i arr =
+ let next () = incr i; magic arr.(!i) in
+ match next() with
+ GetConst -> let x : t = next() in ret (fun obj -> x)
+ | GetVar -> let n = next() in get_var n
+ | GetEnv -> let e = next() and n = next() in get_env e n
+ | GetMeth -> let n = next() in get_meth n
+ | SetVar -> let n = next() in set_var n
+ | AppConst -> let f = next() and x = next() in ret (fun obj -> f x)
+ | AppVar -> let f = next() and n = next () in app_var f n
+ | AppEnv ->
+ let f = next() and e = next() and n = next() in app_env f e n
+ | AppMeth -> let f = next() and n = next () in app_meth f n
+ | AppConstConst ->
+ let f = next() and x = next() and y = next() in ret (fun obj -> f x y)
+ | AppConstVar ->
+ let f = next() and x = next() and n = next() in app_const_var f x n
+ | AppConstEnv ->
+ let f = next() and x = next() and e = next () and n = next() in
+ app_const_env f x e n
+ | AppConstMeth ->
+ let f = next() and x = next() and n = next() in app_const_meth f x n
+ | AppVarConst ->
+ let f = next() and n = next() and x = next() in app_var_const f n x
+ | AppEnvConst ->
+ let f = next() and e = next () and n = next() and x = next() in
+ app_env_const f e n x
+ | AppMethConst ->
+ let f = next() and n = next() and x = next() in app_meth_const f n x
+ | MethAppConst ->
+ let n = next() and x = next() in meth_app_const n x
+ | MethAppVar ->
+ let n = next() and m = next() in meth_app_var n m
+ | MethAppEnv ->
+ let n = next() and e = next() and m = next() in meth_app_env n e m
+ | MethAppMeth ->
+ let n = next() and m = next() in meth_app_meth n m
+ | Closure _ as clo -> magic clo
+let set_methods table methods =
+ let len = Array.length methods and i = ref 0 in
+ while !i < len do
+ let label = methods.(!i) and clo = method_impl i methods in
+ set_method table label clo;
+ incr i
+ done
(**** Statistics ****)