path: root/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser/')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 8094b82e0..e35efc6a7 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -88,19 +88,18 @@ let f :dir =
renew_dirs dirbox var:var_dir dir:!current_dir
- bind dir_name events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Return"]
- action:(`Set([], fun _ ->
+ bind dir_name events:[`KeyPressDetail"Return"]
+ action:(fun _ ->
let dir = Textvariable.get var_dir in
if Useunix.is_directory dir then begin
current_dir := dir;
renew_dirs dirbox var:var_dir :dir
- end));
+ end);
let bind_space_toggle lb =
- bind lb events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "space"]
- action:(`Extend ([], fun _ -> ()))
+ bind lb events:[`KeyPressDetail "space"] extend:true action:ignore
in bind_space_toggle dirbox; bind_space_toggle pathbox;
let add_paths _ =
add_to_path pathbox base:!current_dir
dirs:( (Listbox.curselection dirbox)
@@ -111,10 +110,8 @@ let f :dir =
dirs:( (Listbox.curselection pathbox)
fun:(fun x -> Listbox.get pathbox index:x))
- bind dirbox events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Insert"]
- action:(`Set ([], add_paths));
- bind pathbox events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Delete"]
- action:(`Set ([], remove_paths));
+ bind dirbox events:[`KeyPressDetail "Insert"] action:add_paths;
+ bind pathbox events:[`KeyPressDetail "Delete"] action:remove_paths;
let dirlab = Label.create dirs text:"Directories"
and pathlab = Label.create path text:"Load path"
@@ -131,16 +128,16 @@ let f :dir =
pack [dirbox] side:`Left fill:`Y expand:true;
pack [pathsb] side:`Right fill:`Y;
pack [pathbox] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [dirlab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:(`Pix 10);
+ pack [dirlab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:10;
pack [addbutton] side:`Bottom fill:`X;
pack [dirframe] fill:`Y expand:true;
- pack [pathlab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:(`Pix 10);
+ pack [pathlab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:10;
pack [removebutton; ok] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
pack [pathbuttons] fill:`X side:`Bottom;
pack [pathframe] fill:`Both expand:true;
pack [dirs] side:`Left fill:`Y;
pack [path] side:`Right fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [caplab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:(`Pix 10);
+ pack [caplab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:10;
pack [dir_name] side:`Top anchor:`W fill:`X;
pack [browse] side:`Bottom expand:true fill:`Both;