path: root/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser/')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 12e03a021..7f82d3686 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ let choose_symbol :title :env ?:signature ?:path l =
Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl;
top_widgets := coe tl :: !top_widgets;
let buttons = Frame.create tl in
- let all = Button.create buttons text:"Show all" padx:(`Pix 20)
+ let all = Button.create buttons text:"Show all" padx:20
and ok = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:buttons
and detach = Button.create buttons text:"Detach"
and edit = Button.create buttons text:"Impl"
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ let choose_symbol :title :env ?:signature ?:path l =
let box =
new Jg_multibox.c fb cols:3 texts:nl maxheight:3 width:21 in
- box#bind_kbd events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Escape"]
+ box#bind_kbd events:[`KeyPressDetail"Escape"]
action:(fun _ :index -> destroy tl; break ());
if List.length nl > 9 then (Jg_multibox.add_scrollbar box; ());
Jg_multibox.add_completion box action:
@@ -270,8 +270,7 @@ let f ?(:dir=Unix.getcwd()) ?:on () =
let ew = Entry.create tl in
let buttons = Frame.create tl in
- let search = Button.create buttons text:"Search" pady:(`Pix 1)
- command:
+ let search = Button.create buttons text:"Search" pady:1 command:
begin fun () ->
let s = Entry.get ew in
let is_type = ref false and is_long = ref false in
@@ -293,14 +292,13 @@ let f ?(:dir=Unix.getcwd()) ?:on () =
| _ -> choose_symbol title:"Choose symbol" env:!start_env l
and close =
- Button.create buttons text:"Close all" pady:(`Pix 1)
- command:close_all_views
+ Button.create buttons text:"Close all" pady:1 command:close_all_views
(* bindings *)
Jg_bind.enter_focus ew;
Jg_bind.return_invoke ew button:search;
- bind close events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> destroy tl));
+ bind close events:[`Modified([`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1)]
+ action:(fun _ -> destroy tl);
(* File menu *)
filemenu#add_command "Open..."
@@ -315,7 +313,7 @@ let f ?(:dir=Unix.getcwd()) ?:on () =
command:(fun () -> reset_modules mbox; Env.reset_cache ());
modmenu#add_command "Search symbol..." command:search_symbol;
- pack [filemenu#button; modmenu#button] side:`Left ipadx:(`Pix 5) anchor:`W;
+ pack [filemenu#button; modmenu#button] side:`Left ipadx:5 anchor:`W;
pack [menus] side:`Top fill:`X;
pack [close; search] fill:`X side:`Right expand:true;
pack [coe buttons; coe ew] fill:`X side:`Bottom;