path: root/otherlibs/labltk/compiler
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/compiler')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/ b/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
index a7f46168d..13bd115e6 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open Tables
(* if you set it true, ImagePhoto and ImageBitmap will annoy you... *)
-let safetype = false
+let safetype = true
let labeloff :at l = match l with
"",t -> t
@@ -221,37 +221,13 @@ let write_variants :w = function
(* Definition of a type *)
let write_type intf:w impl:w' name def:typdef =
-(* if typdef.subtypes = [] then (* If there is no subtypes *)
- begin
- (* The type itself *)
- (* Put markers for extraction *)
- w "(* type *)\n";
- w ("type "^name^" =\n ");
- write_constructors :w (sort_components typdef.constructors);
- w "\n(* /type *)\n\n"
- end
- else
- begin
- if typdef.subtypes = [] then
- begin
- w "(* Variant type *)\n";
- w ("type "^name^" = [\n ");
- write_variants :w (sort_components typdef.constructors);
- w "\n]\n\n"
- end
- else
- begin
- (* Dynamic Subtyping *)
- (* All the subtypes *)
- List.iter typdef.subtypes fun:
- begin fun (s,l) ->
- w ("type "^s^"_"^name^" = [\n ");
- write_variants w:w (sort_components l);
- w ("]\n\n")
- end
- end
- end
+ (* Only needed if no subtypes, otherwise use optionals *)
+ if typdef.subtypes = [] then begin
+ w "(* Variant type *)\n";
+ w ("type "^name^" = [\n ");
+ write_variants :w (sort_components typdef.constructors);
+ w "\n]\n\n"
+ end
(* Converters *)
@@ -447,12 +423,6 @@ let rec converterCAMLtoTK :context_widget argname as:ty =
| UserDefined s ->
let name = "cCAMLtoTK"^s^" " in
let args = argname in
- let args =
- if is_subtyped s then (* unconstraint subtype *)
- s^"_any_table "^args
- else args in
let args =
if requires_widget_context s then
context_widget^" "^args
@@ -461,20 +431,11 @@ let rec converterCAMLtoTK :context_widget argname as:ty =
| Subtype ("widget",s') ->
let name = "cCAMLtoTKwidget" in
let args = "("^argname^" : "^s'^" widget)" in
- let args =
- if requires_widget_context s then
- context_widget^" "^args
- else args in
| Subtype (s,s') ->
let name = "cCAMLtoTK"^s'^"_"^s^" " in
- let args = if safetype then "("^argname^" : "^s'^"_"^s^")" else argname
+ let args = if safetype then "("^argname^" : #"^s'^"_"^s^")" else argname
- let args = s^"_"^s'^"_table "^argname in
let args =
if requires_widget_context s then
context_widget^" "^args
@@ -521,8 +482,7 @@ let code_of_template :context_widget ?(func:funtemplate=false) template =
let lbl = gettklabel (List.hd classdef) in
catch_opts := (sub^"_"^sup, lbl);
newvar := newvar2;
- "TkTokenList ( fun:(function x -> "
- ^ converterCAMLtoTK :context_widget "x" as:ty ^ ") opts)"
+ "TkTokenList opts"
| TypeArg (l,List ty) ->
"TkTokenList ( fun:(function x -> "
^ converterCAMLtoTK :context_widget "x" as:ty
@@ -600,20 +560,30 @@ let write_CAMLtoTK :w def:typdef ?(safetype:st = true) name =
"dummy" in
- if safetype && st then
- w (" : " ^ name ^ " -> tkArgs ");
+ if st then begin
+ w " : ";
+ if typdef.variant then w "#";
+ w name; w " -> tkArgs "
+ end;
w(" = function\n ");
write_clause :w :context_widget (List.hd constrs);
List.iter ( constrs)
fun:(fun c -> w "\n | "; write_clause :w :context_widget c);
w "\n\n\n"
- if typdef.subtypes == [] then
- write_one name typdef.constructors
- else
- List.iter typdef.subtypes fun:begin
- fun (subname,constrs) ->
- write_one (subname^"_"^name) constrs
+ (* Only needed if no subtypes, otherwise use optionals *)
+ if typdef.subtypes == [] then
+ write_one name typdef.constructors
+ else
+ List.iter typdef.constructors fun:
+ begin fun fc ->
+ let code, vars, _, (co, _) =
+ code_of_template context_widget:"dummy" fc.template in
+ if co <> "" then fatal_error "optionals in optionals";
+ let vars = fun:snd vars in
+ w "let ccCAMLtoTK"; w name; w "_"; w (small fc.ml_name);
+ w " ("; w (String.concat sep:"," vars); w ") =\n ";
+ w code; w "\n\n"
(* Tcl does not really return "lists". It returns sp separated tokens *)
@@ -700,12 +670,12 @@ let write_function :w def =
let write_create :w clas =
(w "let create ?:name =\n" : unit);
- w (" "^ clas ^ "_options_optionals (fun options parent ->\n");
+ w (" "^ clas ^ "_options_optionals (fun opts parent ->\n");
w (" let w = new_atom \"" ^ clas ^ "\" :parent ?:name in\n");
w " tkEval [|";
w ("TkToken \"" ^ clas ^ "\";\n");
w (" TkToken ( w);\n");
- w (" TkTokenList ( fun:(cCAMLtoTK" ^ clas ^ "_options dummy) options) |];\n");
+ w (" TkTokenList opts |];\n");
w (" w)\n\n\n")
(* builtin-code: the file (without suffix) is in .template... *)
@@ -725,58 +695,39 @@ let write_external :w def =
| _ -> raise (Compiler_Error "invalid external definition")
let write_catch_optionals :w clas def:typdef =
- if typdef.subtypes = [] then
- (* begin Printf.eprintf "No subtypes\n";() end *) ()
- else
- (* Printf.eprintf "Type constructors of %s\n" clas; *)
+ if typdef.subtypes = [] then () else
List.iter typdef.subtypes fun:
begin fun (subclass, classdefs) ->
- Printf.eprintf "Subclass %s" subclass;
- List.iter (fun fc ->
- Printf.eprintf " %s\n" fc.ml_name) classdefs;
w ("let " ^ subclass ^"_"^ clas ^ "_optionals f = fun\n");
let tklabels = fun:gettklabel classdefs in
let l = classdefs fun:
begin fun fc ->
- List.length (types_of_template fc.template),
- types_of_template fc.template,
- (* used as names of variants *)
- fc.var_name,
- begin let p = gettklabel fc in
- if count key:p tklabels > 1 then small fc.ml_name else p
- end,
- small_ident fc.ml_name (* used as labels *)
+ (*
+ let code, vars, _, (co, _) =
+ code_of_template context_widget:"dummy" fc.template in
+ if co <> "" then fatal_error "optionals in optionals";
+ *)
+ let p = gettklabel fc in
+ (if count key:p tklabels > 1 then small fc.ml_name else p),
+ small_ident fc.ml_name (* used as labels *),
+ small fc.ml_name
end in
let p = l fun:
- begin fun (_,_,_,s,si) ->
+ begin fun (s, si, _) ->
if s = si then " ?:" ^ s
else " ?" ^ s ^ ":" ^ si
end in
let v = l fun:
- begin fun (i,t,c,s,si) ->
- let vars =
- if i = 0 then "()" else
- if i = 1 then "x"
- else
- let s = ref [] in
- for i=1 to i do
- s := !s @ ["x" ^ string_of_int i]
- done;
- "(" ^ String.concat sep:"," !s ^ ")"
- in
- let apvars =
- if i = 0 then ""
- (* VERY VERY QUICK HACK FOR 'a widget -> any widget *)
- else if i = 1 && vars = "x" && t = ["",UserDefined "widget"] then
- "(forget_type x)"
- else vars
- in
- "(maycons (fun " ^ vars ^ " -> " ^ "`" ^ c ^ " " ^ apvars ^ ") " ^ si
+ begin fun (_, si, s) ->
+ (*
+ let vars = fun:snd vars in
+ let vars = String.concat sep:"," vars in
+ "(maycons (fun (" ^ vars ^ ") -> " ^ code ^ ") " ^ si
+ *)
+ "(maycons ccCAMLtoTK" ^ clas ^ "_" ^ s ^ " " ^ si
end in
w (String.concat sep:"\n" p);
w " ->\n";